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http://www.chinapress.com.my/content.asp?sec=business (Chinese)
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http://www.investopedia.com/university/buildingblocks.asp (Financial Basics)
http://www.geocities.com/tekyongcari/Howto...ncialreport.pdf (How to Read Financial Report)
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http://chinese.cari.com.my/myforum/forumdi...p?fid=89&page=1 (Chinese)
http://www.jyhforum.com/forumdisplay.php?fid=16 (Chinese)
http://www.lcmart.com/ (Chinese)
The World Most Famous Investors:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_Buffett (The World 2nd Richest Person)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Waleed_bin_Talal (The World Top 10 Richest Person)
Stock E-Books:
http://www.8nn8.com/gpsj.htm (Very big e-book collections, but its all chinese )
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RHB Bank - http://www.rhbinvest.com/rhbinvest/default.asp
Alliance Bank - http://www.eallianceshare.com.my/bin/home.asp
OSK - http://www.osk188.com/index.jsp
Hwang-DBS - http://www.einvest.com.my/nettrade/home/home.asp
Kenanga - http://www.kenwealth.com/bin/home.asp
TA - http://www.taonline.com.my/
JF Apex - http://www.apexetrade.com/bin/home.asp
SJ Securities - http://www.sjsec.com/bin/home.asp
注解 - 負債比例 ( Term - Debt ratio )
翻译: 中文 » 英语 ( http://translate.google.com/translate_t# )
Debt ratio
Debt ratio = total liabilities / total assets
The ratio of total liabilities as a liability and the relationship between the ratio of total assets, is a measure of a company an important indicator of capital structure. Source of capital, financed either by shareholders or investment earnings or by the company to make long-term external debt be. Approach to debt financing for at least two important benefits of debt financing for the first is to exert financial leverage with the function, mainly because part of the expansion of investment returns if interest rates are still high, while the expansion of investment profits will be increased to help improve return on investment; the second is because of the benefits of interest can be tax deductible and, therefore, there is the tax advantage. But its disadvantage is the time when the debt is too high, because of the leverage risk factors will improve, if the same time when the operation is not expected even if there is the risk of collapse. So by the debt ratio can be broadly seen whether a company's physical integrity and in stock as soon as possible to filter out when the financial crisis has the potential mine shares.
翻译: 中文 » 英语 ( http://translate.google.com/translate_t# )
Debt ratio
Debt ratio = total liabilities / total assets
The ratio of total liabilities as a liability and the relationship between the ratio of total assets, is a measure of a company an important indicator of capital structure. Source of capital, financed either by shareholders or investment earnings or by the company to make long-term external debt be. Approach to debt financing for at least two important benefits of debt financing for the first is to exert financial leverage with the function, mainly because part of the expansion of investment returns if interest rates are still high, while the expansion of investment profits will be increased to help improve return on investment; the second is because of the benefits of interest can be tax deductible and, therefore, there is the tax advantage. But its disadvantage is the time when the debt is too high, because of the leverage risk factors will improve, if the same time when the operation is not expected even if there is the risk of collapse. So by the debt ratio can be broadly seen whether a company's physical integrity and in stock as soon as possible to filter out when the financial crisis has the potential mine shares.
注解 - 營業利益率 ( Turnover rate of benefits )
營業利益率為反映一家公司本業獲利能力的指標。由於營業利益的計算已將過程中所耗用的一切成本均列入考量,因此在關注本業的獲利能力時,營業利益率便為 重要指標。與毛利率概念相同,當營業利益率發生變化時,通常代表著公司體質發生轉變,例如新產品效益出現、規模經濟量顯現或是管理能力的提升等等,這些公 司體質轉佳的效益都會顯現在營業利益率數字中。
翻译: 中文 » 英语
營業利益率為反映一家公司本業獲利能力的指標。由於營業利益的計算已將過程中所耗用的一切成本均列入考量,因此在關注本業的獲利能力時,營業利益率便為 重要指標。與毛利率概念相同,當營業利益率發生變化時,通常代表著公司體質發生轉變,例如新產品效益出現、規模經濟量顯現或是管理能力的提升等等,這些公 司體質轉佳的效益都會顯現在營業利益率數字中。
翻译: 中文 » 英语
Turnover rate of benefits
Turnover rate of benefits = (operating income - operating costs - operating expenses) / operating income
Turnover rate of benefits for the company to create 1 million each in revenue available to the profit and gross profit margin gross profit margin of difference is because only consider direct production costs of the required products, and business interests are taken into account in the process of revenue in the amount of all costs.
Turnover rate reflects the benefits of a company in the industry, the profitability of the target. Because of the benefits of business process computing has spent considering all the costs are included, so concerned about the profitability of the industry, the turnover rate of benefits for important target. The same concept with the gross margin, when the turnover rate of change in benefits, they usually happen on behalf of the company's physical changes, such as emergence of new product benefits, economies of scale or volume appear to enhance management capabilities and so on, these companies the benefits of physical fitness will be a better show benefits at the rate of turnover in the figure.
Turnover rate of benefits = (operating income - operating costs - operating expenses) / operating income
Turnover rate of benefits for the company to create 1 million each in revenue available to the profit and gross profit margin gross profit margin of difference is because only consider direct production costs of the required products, and business interests are taken into account in the process of revenue in the amount of all costs.
Turnover rate reflects the benefits of a company in the industry, the profitability of the target. Because of the benefits of business process computing has spent considering all the costs are included, so concerned about the profitability of the industry, the turnover rate of benefits for important target. The same concept with the gross margin, when the turnover rate of change in benefits, they usually happen on behalf of the company's physical changes, such as emergence of new product benefits, economies of scale or volume appear to enhance management capabilities and so on, these companies the benefits of physical fitness will be a better show benefits at the rate of turnover in the figure.
注解 - 毛利率 ( Gross margin )
翻译: 中文 » 英语
Gross margin
Gross margin = (operating income - operating costs) / operating income
Product gross margin for the company's profitability target, the company enjoyed high gross margin is usually in the area said the company has a unique capacity (such as mastery of technology, customer master, product innovation or economies of scale and so on ...), and therefore high-margin companies are leading manufacturers in the field or niche-type companies.
Gross profit margins because of the profitability of a company are the most basic target, so to observe the changes in the company will be able to identify changes in trends in profitability. When upgrading the company's gross profit margins up, the often represent the effectiveness of the company's new products appear, or the volume of emerging economies of scale, companies are signs of physical improvement.
翻译: 中文 » 英语
Gross margin
Gross margin = (operating income - operating costs) / operating income
Product gross margin for the company's profitability target, the company enjoyed high gross margin is usually in the area said the company has a unique capacity (such as mastery of technology, customer master, product innovation or economies of scale and so on ...), and therefore high-margin companies are leading manufacturers in the field or niche-type companies.
Gross profit margins because of the profitability of a company are the most basic target, so to observe the changes in the company will be able to identify changes in trends in profitability. When upgrading the company's gross profit margins up, the often represent the effectiveness of the company's new products appear, or the volume of emerging economies of scale, companies are signs of physical improvement.
注解 - 股東權益報酬率
股東權益報酬率就是該年度股東權益的成長速度。其中稅後淨利部分係指扣除掉特別股股利後之盈餘,而股東權益係指普通股權益總額。由股東權益成長率可以看 出,該公司的經營階層的目標是否與股東目標一致,是以股東權益為主要考量。股東權益報酬率係由於企業保留其盈餘所獲得,因此亦顯示一個企業如果不仰賴對外 舉債也能促使其企業成長的能力。
股東權益報酬率就是該年度股東權益的成長速度。其中稅後淨利部分係指扣除掉特別股股利後之盈餘,而股東權益係指普通股權益總額。由股東權益成長率可以看 出,該公司的經營階層的目標是否與股東目標一致,是以股東權益為主要考量。股東權益報酬率係由於企業保留其盈餘所獲得,因此亦顯示一個企業如果不仰賴對外 舉債也能促使其企業成長的能力。
注解 - 資產報酬率
注解 - 存货及應收帳款
公司的業績規模表現於營收,伴隨著規模成長,所需要的庫存及應收帳款也會增加。但若庫存及應收帳款增加的速度大過於營收成長的速度時,則該公司的財務便 可能發生惡化。若庫存及應收帳款的成長速度持續過快,則顯見公司對於業務的發展不若預期,很可能有大量的退貨或銷售不出的庫存以及難以回收的應收帳款,不 論帳面營收如何,這些都將可能使公司陷於財務流動上的困境。因此檢視庫存+應收帳款與營收的關係,可先行將體質不佳的地雷股篩檢出來。
公司的業績規模表現於營收,伴隨著規模成長,所需要的庫存及應收帳款也會增加。但若庫存及應收帳款增加的速度大過於營收成長的速度時,則該公司的財務便 可能發生惡化。若庫存及應收帳款的成長速度持續過快,則顯見公司對於業務的發展不若預期,很可能有大量的退貨或銷售不出的庫存以及難以回收的應收帳款,不 論帳面營收如何,這些都將可能使公司陷於財務流動上的困境。因此檢視庫存+應收帳款與營收的關係,可先行將體質不佳的地雷股篩檢出來。
注解 - 董監持股
觀察董監持股變化,可由內部人的持股變動來判斷內部人對公司的看法。另一方面則是籌碼面的因素,證期會為了防止公司派掏空公司的機會,規定在董監事持股 必須達到一定成數,依發行公司股本大小不同,董事合計持股不得低於公司股本的7.5%至15%,監察人合計持股則不得低於0.5%至1%。因此當董監事持 股比例不足時,預期將必須至市場買回股票而使得股價有上漲動力。而公司的董監事為三年改選一次,因此如果遇到該年將改選董監事,若董監事持股不足,將可能 使市場派趁機入主公司,在這個情況下,個股都存在有潛在買盤,將使股價上漲。若因董監持股不足而發生經營權爭奪戰時,股價將可能有巨大漲幅。因此檢視董監 持股低的個股,將可能存在潛在買盤。
這個體檢指標最淺顯易懂。原理很簡單,春江水暖鴨先知,公司好不好,前景如何,董監事一定最先知道,如果董監事長期對該公司的持股都維持在很高的水準, 那就代表董監事把自己和公司綁在一起,對公司未來的發展十分有信心,就算景氣一時滑落,也會趁機調整體質。如果董監事長期對公司的持股都不高,那代表董監 事對公司長期發展並不是十分有信心,更惡劣的,則是把公司當作撈錢的工具,錢都往自己口袋放,公司不賺錢,持股比例當然不會太高。
觀察董監持股變化,可由內部人的持股變動來判斷內部人對公司的看法。另一方面則是籌碼面的因素,證期會為了防止公司派掏空公司的機會,規定在董監事持股 必須達到一定成數,依發行公司股本大小不同,董事合計持股不得低於公司股本的7.5%至15%,監察人合計持股則不得低於0.5%至1%。因此當董監事持 股比例不足時,預期將必須至市場買回股票而使得股價有上漲動力。而公司的董監事為三年改選一次,因此如果遇到該年將改選董監事,若董監事持股不足,將可能 使市場派趁機入主公司,在這個情況下,個股都存在有潛在買盤,將使股價上漲。若因董監持股不足而發生經營權爭奪戰時,股價將可能有巨大漲幅。因此檢視董監 持股低的個股,將可能存在潛在買盤。
這個體檢指標最淺顯易懂。原理很簡單,春江水暖鴨先知,公司好不好,前景如何,董監事一定最先知道,如果董監事長期對該公司的持股都維持在很高的水準, 那就代表董監事把自己和公司綁在一起,對公司未來的發展十分有信心,就算景氣一時滑落,也會趁機調整體質。如果董監事長期對公司的持股都不高,那代表董監 事對公司長期發展並不是十分有信心,更惡劣的,則是把公司當作撈錢的工具,錢都往自己口袋放,公司不賺錢,持股比例當然不會太高。
注解 - 投信
三大法人的投信亦是屬於較長線的投資者,並且亦具有資訊領先及資金雄厚上的優勢。因此可以找尋投信的買賣超的個股作為投資的標的。不過,由於投信具有最 低持股限制,不得零持股的規定,且投信的操作評比是以擊敗大盤為目標,因此在下跌走勢時,投信的選股會以抗跌性為考量,則此時零持股將可能較投信持股具更 佳報酬,這點在應用上須注意。
三大法人的投信亦是屬於較長線的投資者,並且亦具有資訊領先及資金雄厚上的優勢。因此可以找尋投信的買賣超的個股作為投資的標的。不過,由於投信具有最 低持股限制,不得零持股的規定,且投信的操作評比是以擊敗大盤為目標,因此在下跌走勢時,投信的選股會以抗跌性為考量,則此時零持股將可能較投信持股具更 佳報酬,這點在應用上須注意。
注解 - 外資
三大法人中外資的是屬於於較長期的投資者。由於外資多具有全球性的資訊研究機構,因此在趨勢上會較一般人判斷更為準確;並且外資具有資金雄厚足以形成風 潮,因此在資訊的優勢以及資金優勢且具長期投資特點下,外資的買賣標的通常為長期的潛力股。因此在資訊取得不如外資的情況下,參考外資的買賣標的亦為重要 的投資選股方式。
1. 提防假外資。真外資買股票重基本面,買的大多的是產業龍頭股,或是獲利成長股,假外資就可能是公司派或主力以外資的名義想塑造外資大力買進的假象,這種公 司通常買進的外資券商很集中,而且原來外資的持股比例都很低,如果有這種現象,代表可能是假外資,一定要提高警覺,不要貿然跟進。
2. 注意外資買進佔當日成交量的比重。買超的張數多,並不代表外資買盤會源源不絕,真正外資會持續買進的股票,往往是外資買單遠大於日成交量,而必須多日分批買進,所以在選擇跟外資單的時候,特別留意那些買進張數佔當日成交量超過三成的股票。
三大法人中外資的是屬於於較長期的投資者。由於外資多具有全球性的資訊研究機構,因此在趨勢上會較一般人判斷更為準確;並且外資具有資金雄厚足以形成風 潮,因此在資訊的優勢以及資金優勢且具長期投資特點下,外資的買賣標的通常為長期的潛力股。因此在資訊取得不如外資的情況下,參考外資的買賣標的亦為重要 的投資選股方式。
1. 提防假外資。真外資買股票重基本面,買的大多的是產業龍頭股,或是獲利成長股,假外資就可能是公司派或主力以外資的名義想塑造外資大力買進的假象,這種公 司通常買進的外資券商很集中,而且原來外資的持股比例都很低,如果有這種現象,代表可能是假外資,一定要提高警覺,不要貿然跟進。
2. 注意外資買進佔當日成交量的比重。買超的張數多,並不代表外資買盤會源源不絕,真正外資會持續買進的股票,往往是外資買單遠大於日成交量,而必須多日分批買進,所以在選擇跟外資單的時候,特別留意那些買進張數佔當日成交量超過三成的股票。
注解 - 融資及融券
一般而言,融資及融券使用率代表著散戶動向,融資使用率高代表許多散戶有看多的傾向;而融券使用率高則為散戶看空傾向的人多。由於資訊的傳遞需耗費時間, 因此散戶得到的資訊常常是落後於公司派及法人,在此狀況下,融資融券使用率高代表著訊息已傳遞到末端,為股價反轉的開始。
在另一方面,由於散戶成交量佔市場9成之多,因此股價要漲須要有散戶具追價意願。當融資使用率高時,代表著欲追價的散戶多已進場,後勢將有力道缺乏的可 能;並且當股價下跌時,這些融資使用者將可能被迫賣出而產生賣壓。反之,當融券使用高時,則後勢軋空上漲的力道可能有助漲勢。
一般而言,融資買進的,是為了要賺價差,不是為了長期投資,所以當融資餘額增加時,可以說個股的籌碼是從穩定的地方流向不穩定的地方,一旦股價上揚,短 線獲利了結的賣壓就會出籠。相反的,當融資餘額大減的時候,代表散戶在出脫持股,如果這時候股價還不跌,那代表有心人士正在默默吃貨,後市值得期待。找到 當日融資餘額減少最多的前二十名,對照股價的變化,如果持續出現融資大減但股價不跌反漲,特別是比大盤強勢很多的走勢時,就很值得留意了。
一般而言,融資及融券使用率代表著散戶動向,融資使用率高代表許多散戶有看多的傾向;而融券使用率高則為散戶看空傾向的人多。由於資訊的傳遞需耗費時間, 因此散戶得到的資訊常常是落後於公司派及法人,在此狀況下,融資融券使用率高代表著訊息已傳遞到末端,為股價反轉的開始。
在另一方面,由於散戶成交量佔市場9成之多,因此股價要漲須要有散戶具追價意願。當融資使用率高時,代表著欲追價的散戶多已進場,後勢將有力道缺乏的可 能;並且當股價下跌時,這些融資使用者將可能被迫賣出而產生賣壓。反之,當融券使用高時,則後勢軋空上漲的力道可能有助漲勢。
一般而言,融資買進的,是為了要賺價差,不是為了長期投資,所以當融資餘額增加時,可以說個股的籌碼是從穩定的地方流向不穩定的地方,一旦股價上揚,短 線獲利了結的賣壓就會出籠。相反的,當融資餘額大減的時候,代表散戶在出脫持股,如果這時候股價還不跌,那代表有心人士正在默默吃貨,後市值得期待。找到 當日融資餘額減少最多的前二十名,對照股價的變化,如果持續出現融資大減但股價不跌反漲,特別是比大盤強勢很多的走勢時,就很值得留意了。
技术指标 - 寶塔線式


技术指标 - 指數平滑異同移動平均線 (MACD)
MACD (Moving Average Convergence-Divergence)—指數平滑異同移動平均線
公式: 求算方式如以下步驟
先求價格需求指數Pt = (Ht + Lt + 2*Ct)/4 其中Ht為t日的最高價, Lt為t日的最低價,Ct為t日的收盤價.單純的使用最高價或收盤價均不能反應當日股市參與者在某些股價下對股票的需求,因此用Pt以作為較能反應真實情況的變數.
作需求指數的移動平均,取長短期二條 Ent = Ent-1 + 2/(1+n)*(Pt – Ent-1)
即Ent為Pt的n天exponential moving average(EMA) 而n值則一般取12及26.
即 E12t = E12t-1 + 2/13 * (Pt – E12t-1>
E26t = E26t-1 + 2/27 * (Pt – E26t-1) 為Pt的26天平滑移動平均
DIFt = Ent – Emt , 取長短期二條線的離差
MACDt = MACDt-1 + 2/(1+h)* ( DIFt – MACDt-1) 即MACD 為 DIF的h天EMA, 再作一次平滑移動平均.
IF, 慢線:MACD)移動平均線的變化作為盤勢的研判指標,具有確認中長期波段走勢並找尋短線買賣點的功能.MACD的原理在於以長天期(慢的)移動平均線來 作為大趨勢基準,而以短天期(快的)移動平均線作為趨勢變化的判定,所以當快的移動平均線與慢的移動平均線二者交會時,代表趨勢已發生反轉.MACD是確 立波段趨勢的重要指標. 當行情出現上漲情況時,短天的Pt移動平均會先反應向上,造成短天與長天的離差DIF開始擴大.而這時代表較長趨勢的MACD仍沿舊趨勢移動,於是造成 DIF與MACD交叉.買賣訊號發生. 由於其是使用指數型移動平均(EMA)方式求得,因此具有時間近者給較重權值,如此更具掌握短期訊號性質.而由計算過程可知MACD是經過二次平滑移動平 均過程所求得的值,這樣的程序可以消除掉許多移動平均經常會出現的假訊號缺點.
(a)當柱線由負轉正時為買進訊號 (b)當柱線由正轉負時為賣出訊號
(b)當股價連續創新低但OSC沒有創新低時為正背離—買出訊號 而d.與e.二者相輔助使用
公式: 求算方式如以下步驟
先求價格需求指數Pt = (Ht + Lt + 2*Ct)/4 其中Ht為t日的最高價, Lt為t日的最低價,Ct為t日的收盤價.單純的使用最高價或收盤價均不能反應當日股市參與者在某些股價下對股票的需求,因此用Pt以作為較能反應真實情況的變數.
作需求指數的移動平均,取長短期二條 Ent = Ent-1 + 2/(1+n)*(Pt – Ent-1)
即Ent為Pt的n天exponential moving average(EMA) 而n值則一般取12及26.
即 E12t = E12t-1 + 2/13 * (Pt – E12t-1>

E26t = E26t-1 + 2/27 * (Pt – E26t-1) 為Pt的26天平滑移動平均
DIFt = Ent – Emt , 取長短期二條線的離差
MACDt = MACDt-1 + 2/(1+h)* ( DIFt – MACDt-1) 即MACD 為 DIF的h天EMA, 再作一次平滑移動平均.

(a)當柱線由負轉正時為買進訊號 (b)當柱線由正轉負時為賣出訊號
(b)當股價連續創新低但OSC沒有創新低時為正背離—買出訊號 而d.與e.二者相輔助使用
技术指标 - 動量指標 (momentom)
MTM-n _t= C_t – C_[t-n]
C_t表t日的收盤價, C_[t-n]表第t-n日的收盤價. n為參數. 所以MTM即目前股價與n天前股價的差距.
股價的漲跌除了有趨勢(方向)要素外,另一重要的因子便是股價的動能,或是股價移動的速度.一般而言,如果上漲趨勢或下跌趨勢形成,則股價便會往趨勢方 向前進.但當趨勢反轉形成前,股價往原趨勢方向前進的速度便會先減慢,最後停止,繼而才往反方向前進.因此就理論上而言,股價進行的速度是趨勢方向的先行 指標.當趨勢反轉前,股價前進的速度應該先反轉.
以背離來作為買賣點的研判將可使干擾訊號大減.另外可以採用震盪量指標OSCn_t= C_t / C_[t-n] *100來作為量能的研判.
MTM-n _t= C_t – C_[t-n]
C_t表t日的收盤價, C_[t-n]表第t-n日的收盤價. n為參數. 所以MTM即目前股價與n天前股價的差距.
股價的漲跌除了有趨勢(方向)要素外,另一重要的因子便是股價的動能,或是股價移動的速度.一般而言,如果上漲趨勢或下跌趨勢形成,則股價便會往趨勢方 向前進.但當趨勢反轉形成前,股價往原趨勢方向前進的速度便會先減慢,最後停止,繼而才往反方向前進.因此就理論上而言,股價進行的速度是趨勢方向的先行 指標.當趨勢反轉前,股價前進的速度應該先反轉.
以背離來作為買賣點的研判將可使干擾訊號大減.另外可以採用震盪量指標OSCn_t= C_t / C_[t-n] *100來作為量能的研判.
技术指标 - 移動平均 (MA)
n日的MA(Moving Average,移動平均)=ΣP_i/n
移動平均線MA為前n日內的價格平均。就意義而言,是較長期的價格發展線,即其具有一種趨勢的概念,且平均的日期越大,所代表的時間趨勢刻度就越大。而當 趨勢發生改變時,長天期的趨勢線還沒有感受到時,短天期的趨勢會先反應。因此當短天期的移動平均線與長天期的移動平均線發生交叉時,代表著趨勢改變的意 義,為買賣訊號指標。
n日的MA(Moving Average,移動平均)=ΣP_i/n
移動平均線MA為前n日內的價格平均。就意義而言,是較長期的價格發展線,即其具有一種趨勢的概念,且平均的日期越大,所代表的時間趨勢刻度就越大。而當 趨勢發生改變時,長天期的趨勢線還沒有感受到時,短天期的趨勢會先反應。因此當短天期的移動平均線與長天期的移動平均線發生交叉時,代表著趨勢改變的意 義,為買賣訊號指標。
技术指标 - 隨機指標 (KD)
先求RSV(Raw Stochastic Value)=(C_n-L_{n})/(H_{n}-L_{n})*100

其中C_n代表第n日的收盤價, L_{n}代表最近n日內的最低收盤價,L_{n}代表最近n日內的最高收盤價. 例如n=5找出五天內的最高價、最低價,求出RSV.
因為C_n – L_{n}表示股價由最低點被推向上至收盤價的幅度,因此在概念上,這股推力是買盤的表徵,因此RSV指標可以視為買盤力道強度的展現.
再將RSV作指數移動平均 (exponential moving average):
K_t=K_[t-1]+ a * RSV_t , 即K值為買盤力道RSV的移動平均
D_t=D_[t-1]+ a * K_t , 即再將K值作一次平滑
其中設定K[0]=D[0]=50, 而a值一般都設定為1/3 .
由RSV的求算公式可看出這亦是一種支撐壓力的概念.而當股價處於多頭時,收盤價有往當期最高價接近的傾向,這時候RSV值也將不斷上升.而在下跌過程 中,收盤價則有收在接近最低價的傾向,這時RSV也會傾向下降.但股價往往在投資人追高殺低下,會出現超漲超跌的現象,這個現象便可透過RSV指標超過某 一區間而表現出來.當指標不斷往上至高檔時,投資人去追高,超過合理價位的買進行為將使股價超漲,這便形成指標超買的訊號.而超賣訊號亦同理.
由公式,RSV將為一介於0和100的數值,因此K、D值亦會落在0~100之間(因為K為RSV的加權平均數).透過經驗法則將可知K、D在超過某一 數值時代表買超或賣超.而參數n一般採用n=9(即9日KD),因此在應用上,KD會屬於較短、中期的指標.而KD指標不僅運用到開、收盤價,亦使用到最 高價及最低價資訊,因此KD指標對盤勢的反應會較敏銳.
先求RSV(Raw Stochastic Value)=(C_n-L_{n})/(H_{n}-L_{n})*100

其中C_n代表第n日的收盤價, L_{n}代表最近n日內的最低收盤價,L_{n}代表最近n日內的最高收盤價. 例如n=5找出五天內的最高價、最低價,求出RSV.
因為C_n – L_{n}表示股價由最低點被推向上至收盤價的幅度,因此在概念上,這股推力是買盤的表徵,因此RSV指標可以視為買盤力道強度的展現.
再將RSV作指數移動平均 (exponential moving average):
K_t=K_[t-1]+ a * RSV_t , 即K值為買盤力道RSV的移動平均
D_t=D_[t-1]+ a * K_t , 即再將K值作一次平滑
其中設定K[0]=D[0]=50, 而a值一般都設定為1/3 .
由RSV的求算公式可看出這亦是一種支撐壓力的概念.而當股價處於多頭時,收盤價有往當期最高價接近的傾向,這時候RSV值也將不斷上升.而在下跌過程 中,收盤價則有收在接近最低價的傾向,這時RSV也會傾向下降.但股價往往在投資人追高殺低下,會出現超漲超跌的現象,這個現象便可透過RSV指標超過某 一區間而表現出來.當指標不斷往上至高檔時,投資人去追高,超過合理價位的買進行為將使股價超漲,這便形成指標超買的訊號.而超賣訊號亦同理.
由公式,RSV將為一介於0和100的數值,因此K、D值亦會落在0~100之間(因為K為RSV的加權平均數).透過經驗法則將可知K、D在超過某一 數值時代表買超或賣超.而參數n一般採用n=9(即9日KD),因此在應用上,KD會屬於較短、中期的指標.而KD指標不僅運用到開、收盤價,亦使用到最 高價及最低價資訊,因此KD指標對盤勢的反應會較敏銳.
技术指标 - 相對強弱指標 (RSI)
Relative Strength Indicator)—相對強弱指標
RSI=100 – (100 / (1+RS)) 其中RS為相對強度(Relative Strength,RS)=AUn / ADn
AUn表示n日內收盤價上漲點數的n日平均數=Σ(上漲點數i) / n
ADn表示n日內收盤價下跌點數的n日平均數=Σ(下跌點數i) / n
所以RSI亦可改寫成 RSI=100*AUn / (AUn+ADn)
RSI指標的原理是假設收盤價是買賣雙方力道的最終表現與結果,把上漲視為買方力道,下跌視為賣方力道.而式中RS即為買方力道與賣方力道的比.亦即雙 方相對強度的概念.而RSI則是把相對強度的數值定義在0~100之間,如此更能方便參考使用.而多天期的RSI(即n值較大)其訊號將更具參考性. RSI是一種相當可靠的動能指標.
首先考慮極端值情況.當盤勢全面連續上漲情況時,RS會趨近無限大(沒有跌的只有漲的,相除則出現無限大),則RSI會趨近於100,因此當行情出現全 面多頭時,會導致RSI趨近其上限100.在另一方面,當盤勢出現全面的跌勢,則RS=0, RSI=0.所以RSI當行情出現大空頭時,RSI會趨近其下限0.但一般而言,市場行情總在上述二個極端狀況之間,因此RSI值會界在0~100間.數 值越大,代表買方力道越強.
Relative Strength Indicator)—相對強弱指標
RSI=100 – (100 / (1+RS)) 其中RS為相對強度(Relative Strength,RS)=AUn / ADn
AUn表示n日內收盤價上漲點數的n日平均數=Σ(上漲點數i) / n
ADn表示n日內收盤價下跌點數的n日平均數=Σ(下跌點數i) / n
所以RSI亦可改寫成 RSI=100*AUn / (AUn+ADn)
RSI指標的原理是假設收盤價是買賣雙方力道的最終表現與結果,把上漲視為買方力道,下跌視為賣方力道.而式中RS即為買方力道與賣方力道的比.亦即雙 方相對強度的概念.而RSI則是把相對強度的數值定義在0~100之間,如此更能方便參考使用.而多天期的RSI(即n值較大)其訊號將更具參考性. RSI是一種相當可靠的動能指標.
首先考慮極端值情況.當盤勢全面連續上漲情況時,RS會趨近無限大(沒有跌的只有漲的,相除則出現無限大),則RSI會趨近於100,因此當行情出現全 面多頭時,會導致RSI趨近其上限100.在另一方面,當盤勢出現全面的跌勢,則RS=0, RSI=0.所以RSI當行情出現大空頭時,RSI會趨近其下限0.但一般而言,市場行情總在上述二個極端狀況之間,因此RSI值會界在0~100間.數 值越大,代表買方力道越強.
注解 - 股本
注解 - 總市值
注解 - 淨值
淨值為一家公司的資產扣掉負債後的的價值,亦即其帳面價值。以重置成本的角度來看,淨值就是一家公司被複製的成本,所以當一家公司的股價低於每股淨值時, 則代表這家公司的股價可能被低估,在此情況下,甚至有可能因此而被購併的機會。當然在考量淨值時,需要注意到某些公司的資產項目是高估的,而有些則屬於低 估。應用上宜注意。
淨值為一家公司的資產扣掉負債後的的價值,亦即其帳面價值。以重置成本的角度來看,淨值就是一家公司被複製的成本,所以當一家公司的股價低於每股淨值時, 則代表這家公司的股價可能被低估,在此情況下,甚至有可能因此而被購併的機會。當然在考量淨值時,需要注意到某些公司的資產項目是高估的,而有些則屬於低 估。應用上宜注意。
注解 - 營收
另一方面,每股營收代表單位資本所能作到的生意。因此有較高的每股營收,通常表示能有規模經濟,因此也較有機會擁有較好的每股獲利。 每股營收的意思就是每一元股本作多少生意,收進來多少錢。數學公式是全年營業收入/流通股數。這個數字是衡量一家公司最基本,但也最重要的一個標準。這個標準可以看出個股獲利的潛在爆發力。舉個例子,如果有個行業,有甲,乙兩家公司,兩者每年業績都一樣,都作了十億元的生意,可是甲公司股本五億,乙公司股本十億,如果景氣不好,獲利率只有一%,甲公司的每股盈餘就是10*1%/5*10=0.2,乙公司的每股股盈餘則是10*1%/10*10=0.1,假設這行業景氣大好,價格大漲,兩家營收都成長為20億元,獲利率則提升為20%,則甲公司每股盈餘跳升為20*20%/5*10=8,每股盈餘增加了近八元,可是乙公司每股盈餘則只增加到四元,只增加了加近四元,每股八元,股價可能有二百元的身價,每股四元,股價可能只有一百元。
至於每股營收到底多高才算好公司?多低才算爛公司,其實是因行業別而異,並沒有一定的標準。例如資本密集的公司,如台積電,雖然每股營收十幾元,可是營業利益率高達五十%,每股獲利還是超過五,六元,有的行業因為利潤微薄,即然薄利,最好能夠多銷,每股營收就必須高一點,例如某個行業,如果淨利只有三 %,那如果每股營收只有十元,那每股淨利就只有0.3元,如果每股獲利要超過三元,那每股營收就必須超過100元,也就是一元股本就得作十元生意。所以要看一家公司每股營收到底夠不夠高,最好的方法就是比較同業,如果同業一元股本可以作五元生意,而這家公司一元股本只可以作三元生意,除非他比同業利潤高,否則獲利能力一定比同業差。每股營收這個數字,只是營業收入除以股本,股本及營收都很容易取得,可是其所代表的意義,在選股時,卻是一個很有用的標的,特別是當整個產業景氣揚升時,當你在同一個產業中挑選個股時,每股營收是一個蠻有用的衡量標準
另一方面,每股營收代表單位資本所能作到的生意。因此有較高的每股營收,通常表示能有規模經濟,因此也較有機會擁有較好的每股獲利。 每股營收的意思就是每一元股本作多少生意,收進來多少錢。數學公式是全年營業收入/流通股數。這個數字是衡量一家公司最基本,但也最重要的一個標準。這個標準可以看出個股獲利的潛在爆發力。舉個例子,如果有個行業,有甲,乙兩家公司,兩者每年業績都一樣,都作了十億元的生意,可是甲公司股本五億,乙公司股本十億,如果景氣不好,獲利率只有一%,甲公司的每股盈餘就是10*1%/5*10=0.2,乙公司的每股股盈餘則是10*1%/10*10=0.1,假設這行業景氣大好,價格大漲,兩家營收都成長為20億元,獲利率則提升為20%,則甲公司每股盈餘跳升為20*20%/5*10=8,每股盈餘增加了近八元,可是乙公司每股盈餘則只增加到四元,只增加了加近四元,每股八元,股價可能有二百元的身價,每股四元,股價可能只有一百元。
至於每股營收到底多高才算好公司?多低才算爛公司,其實是因行業別而異,並沒有一定的標準。例如資本密集的公司,如台積電,雖然每股營收十幾元,可是營業利益率高達五十%,每股獲利還是超過五,六元,有的行業因為利潤微薄,即然薄利,最好能夠多銷,每股營收就必須高一點,例如某個行業,如果淨利只有三 %,那如果每股營收只有十元,那每股淨利就只有0.3元,如果每股獲利要超過三元,那每股營收就必須超過100元,也就是一元股本就得作十元生意。所以要看一家公司每股營收到底夠不夠高,最好的方法就是比較同業,如果同業一元股本可以作五元生意,而這家公司一元股本只可以作三元生意,除非他比同業利潤高,否則獲利能力一定比同業差。每股營收這個數字,只是營業收入除以股本,股本及營收都很容易取得,可是其所代表的意義,在選股時,卻是一個很有用的標的,特別是當整個產業景氣揚升時,當你在同一個產業中挑選個股時,每股營收是一個蠻有用的衡量標準
注解 - 本益比 (PE)
每股獲利是以上市公司未來一年的稅後每股盈餘當分母,股價當分子,其所得出的商就是該股的本益比。例如假設台泥股價現在是20元,今年台泥每股可以賺2元,那麼台泥現在的本益比是20/2=10 。
景氣循環股始終是在景氣還未到高峰之前,股價就先到頂,景氣未到谷底之前,股價就先落底。以塑膠股為例,當股價跌到歷史低檔區的時候,由於總市值已接近該公司的實際價值,包括公司大股東及有識之士均開始進場逢低買進,但此時由於產品價格持續滑落,公司獲利微薄,每股盈餘可能只有0.5元左右,但和每股 20~30元的股價相比,本益比達40~60倍,當產品售價因供不應求而飆漲時,每股盈餘動輒七,八元,但股價漲到100元以上,大股東因為知道這種熱絡的市況只是短暫的,一旦新的產能投產,售價就會回跌,所以開始逢高調節,股價也就開始進入頭部區,此時本益比不過十一,二倍,所以,投資景氣循環股,切忌在景氣高峰期因本益比低而搶進股票,也不要在景氣谷底期因本益比過高而放棄長期投資的機會。
每股獲利是以上市公司未來一年的稅後每股盈餘當分母,股價當分子,其所得出的商就是該股的本益比。例如假設台泥股價現在是20元,今年台泥每股可以賺2元,那麼台泥現在的本益比是20/2=10 。
景氣循環股始終是在景氣還未到高峰之前,股價就先到頂,景氣未到谷底之前,股價就先落底。以塑膠股為例,當股價跌到歷史低檔區的時候,由於總市值已接近該公司的實際價值,包括公司大股東及有識之士均開始進場逢低買進,但此時由於產品價格持續滑落,公司獲利微薄,每股盈餘可能只有0.5元左右,但和每股 20~30元的股價相比,本益比達40~60倍,當產品售價因供不應求而飆漲時,每股盈餘動輒七,八元,但股價漲到100元以上,大股東因為知道這種熱絡的市況只是短暫的,一旦新的產能投產,售價就會回跌,所以開始逢高調節,股價也就開始進入頭部區,此時本益比不過十一,二倍,所以,投資景氣循環股,切忌在景氣高峰期因本益比低而搶進股票,也不要在景氣谷底期因本益比過高而放棄長期投資的機會。
注解 - EPS
注解 - 成立時間
注解, 貝他值(β)
注解 - 主力買賣超
注解 - 成交量
而成交量的多寡代表著流動性的意義,成交量的多寡經常是法人或大戶決定是否進出某股票的重要考量。 不管是短線操作還是尋找長線潛力股,成交量都是一個很值得留意的訊號。當一檔股票成交量比六日均量成長超過兩成,而且伴隨著成交量的擴增,股價也走高,這代表開始有新的買盤注入,特別是對那些低檔股,或傳統產業股來說,成交量的持續穩定成長,代表的是人氣的回升,是非常值得留意的訊號。
而成交量的多寡代表著流動性的意義,成交量的多寡經常是法人或大戶決定是否進出某股票的重要考量。 不管是短線操作還是尋找長線潛力股,成交量都是一個很值得留意的訊號。當一檔股票成交量比六日均量成長超過兩成,而且伴隨著成交量的擴增,股價也走高,這代表開始有新的買盤注入,特別是對那些低檔股,或傳統產業股來說,成交量的持續穩定成長,代表的是人氣的回升,是非常值得留意的訊號。
注解 - 漲跌幅
1. 最好是找才剛從底部揚升的,而且最好當天是跳空漲上來的,最好當天早盤就漲停板的。
2. 這個方法只能在大多頭市場使用,盤整走勢及空頭市場並不適用。
1. 最好是找才剛從底部揚升的,而且最好當天是跳空漲上來的,最好當天早盤就漲停板的。
2. 這個方法只能在大多頭市場使用,盤整走勢及空頭市場並不適用。
注解 - 股價
投资兵法- 股票及債卷
市場面選股 基本面選股 技術面選股 籌碼面選股 財務面選股
股價 成立時間 RSI 融資融券 存貨與應收帳款
漲跌幅度 EPS KD 外資 資產報酬率
成交量 本益比 MA 自營商 股東權益報酬率
主力買賣超 營收 MTM 投信 毛利率
貝他值 淨值 MACD 集保庫存 營業利益率
總市值 寶塔線 董監持股比 負債比率
(转载: http://cforum3.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=139504&extra=page%3D1&page=1)
(转载: http://www.moneydj.com/z/zk/zkstudy.htm)
市場面選股 基本面選股 技術面選股 籌碼面選股 財務面選股
股價 成立時間 RSI 融資融券 存貨與應收帳款
漲跌幅度 EPS KD 外資 資產報酬率
成交量 本益比 MA 自營商 股東權益報酬率
主力買賣超 營收 MTM 投信 毛利率
貝他值 淨值 MACD 集保庫存 營業利益率
總市值 寶塔線 董監持股比 負債比率
(转载: http://cforum3.cari.com.my/viewthread.php?tid=139504&extra=page%3D1&page=1)
(转载: http://www.moneydj.com/z/zk/zkstudy.htm)
OGame - Tutorial for Newbie
(Translate by http://translate.google.com/ )
Most of the content from a well-known foreign translation tutorial version, modify the part of the contents of
If you are playing first, be sure to read. Access to the best before the Games take a look at the rules of the game
First, register
If you are ready to enter the universe one, then click U1 first register, mail fees to write the letter, because there will be password; user name will not be with other people want to find duplicate names, but also should not have in English with special symbols. Then check the consent of the general terms, click register, you can receive the go-mail. Note that some mail may not receive the letter, this time can give it a try for a mailbox.
Two, how to play
One, a pacifist
Peace does not mean that you will not be someone to fight you, but at least not easy to grudges. If you recognized U.S. neutrality, was naturally low chance of harassment. Another consideration of peace are not easy to control points over 5000 points.
2, war, who
Only a very high rate on line of people to become interstellar pirates always work. Clear-cut and construction of the looting of resources that will enable their rapid growth, at the same time become the obvious targets. This player has required eagle eyes, the use of the fleet under the protection of powerful enemies surrounded by the accumulated force, until the military force with a powerful counter-player.
3, do not know the situation
Such players are greedy and lack of patience and control to send the fleet out loot. With the fleet are from the accumulated points with a powerful enemy. And such player has no ability to cope with increasingly powerful opponents, Hisayuki must become sad sheep bones.
4, was uproar among the targets of attacks
I can only say three, but many out of the fourth but I can not help mentioning, that is, two places at once. Although the two places at once to be able to make their own powerful and speedy, but here the players should be very aware that this is not to be encouraged to act. If you see two places at once, please打爆forced him until he did not want to play so far.
Three, Getting Started Teaching
First start the development of "ore", "Crystal Mine", "solar power plant," 10 began to develop "heavy hydrogen separator." Adequate resources can be considered a "light laser gun", the following can be around 10. Then continue to develop resources and the development of "colonial space", while the post-colonial development ", large transport aircraft." Pre-colonial veteran asked the views of the best, because the use of the colonial way of stars in each person is different. "Computer technology" is important, it affects the dispatch of the fleet at the same time be able to quantity. Note that pre-colonial resources to cover the several stages and there is no fixed standards to individual needs.
The first thing the development of building all the movements are to spend resources ( "metal", "crystal", "heavy hydrogen"), resource production, including basic (20 per hour for each planet gold crystal 10) and the resource factory production resources, plant production must be energy support, not enough electricity, then there would be no production of 100 percent or higher plants is wasted resources, building cost metal: crystal are approximately 2:1 to 3:1, but at the same level the "ore" production "Crystal Mine" many, upgrade "Crystal Mine" have more resources.
Begin to build one first "solar power plant" level, then begin to build "Metal Factory," "crystal factory", "metal works" perhaps better than "Crystal Factory" high two months, building on the balance of resources, and attention electricity, enough electric power plants, then on the cover, or put one into a reduction of plant efficiency (next to the%) to allow another to maintain the high-power, depending on what you were missing resources, not enough energy, the output will be reduced.
To a certain extent to be able to build the "hydrogen Sync Separator", it is recommended in the "solar power plant" after 10 is considered hydrogen plant, which is the fleet of fuel, but also research necessary to begin Level 5 can be used to build "nuclear fusion power plants, "which things depend on consumption of heavy hydrogen to generate electricity," nuclear fusion power plant "will consume" heavy hydrogen ", calculated, and its performance is still slightly less than the largest" solar power plant "," heavy hydrogen "consumed with the improve and reduce the temperature, but the planet at high temperature cover "nuclear fusion power plants" are not worthwhile, because the "heavy hydrogen separator sync" with the high temperature will be reduced, "nuclear fusion power plants," the application of the temporary shortfall in energy disposal, such as "ore" or "Crystal Mine" just not the resources or Health "solar power plant", the "nuclear fusion power plants" could be supplemented by temporary shortages of energy until the "solar power plant" until the upgrade.
And is the "Robot Factory", which will speed up the building pace of things, but also "the spacecraft factory" the foundation, the next is the "spaceship factory" and "studies" La Center.
Memory are used to store resources, the planet's resources more than the stock, it would become a scarlet letter, then the planet will not be in the production of the resources until you have enough storage space. However, the default value of 1 beginning of each memory are 100k, that is, the storage capacity of 100,000, just start the green hand is also very adequate. If it is shipped from outside the resources of more than a storage capacity will not disappear, but will become red.
Four, unified information
The most upper left there is the universe X (V x. Xx). Universe X: This represents your server address, X, if one is the universe are one. (V x.xx): This represents the current game version of this article was published at the time are (V 0.76).
There will be between the top of a picture, have side XXXXXXXX 〔O: OOO: OO〕. Photos of the appearance of the planet you are, XXXXXXXXXX then you are the planet's name, 〔O: OOO: OO〕 planet while you are at the address of this universe. The first group of figures are the Milky Way, the second group of figures are the solar system, the third figure is the first of several planets. 3:223:11 〔〕, for example, that the Milky Way is the third planet 223rd eleventh solar system planets. Each has nine Galaxy universe, each galaxy has 499 solar system, each solar system has 15 planets. Next to have a downward arrow, that is after you have colony planet can quickly switch between different tools.
There are four picture at the top right of picture below there is "metal", "crystal", "heavy hydrogen", "energy", which you are the representative of a planet, perhaps this situation, in front of the three resources, one of "Metal Mine "with" Crystal Mine "each planet will have a production value of the basic 10 with 20" heavy hydrogen "production at the initial stage will not be building" heavy hydrogen separator "before production, the energy is" ore "," Crystal Mine "," heavy hydrogen Sync Separator "three buildings must be made, and the construction of" solar power plant "," nuclear fusion power plant "," solar power satellites "will have energy, but energy is fixed, unlike the resources will be Change over time increase.
Friday, the main menu
1. Overview
The current state of the planet
2. Building more ...
The construction of buildings
3. Resources
Adjust the operation of power production. When the construction finished, "solar power plant" with the basic economic building or the launch of the "solar power satellites", the can go to this page to press the lower right corner〕 〔calculation to recalculate the resource output with the energy sum, here expressed by only a Straight-type addition and subtraction, but start from the top of the calculation, the final count is the sum of your current resources available per hour. Here the "solar power satellite" shows there is a problem, although on the surface are 50, but when you press the calculation of the time, it will display the correct capacity.
4. Research more ...
Research on new technology and upgrade Level Technology to study the need to have "research lab" to study the project will let you have a stronger fleet, defense, it can ship more with the ability to spy, "research laboratory" Level impact of R & D projects and research speed.
5. Shipyard more ...
Manufacturing Fleet, need to cover "spaceship factory," covered "spaceship factory" must build "Robot Factory" Level 2. "The spacecraft factory" Level of the impact of the project can produce and manufacture of speed. Once the construction of ships or begin defense will not be able to cancel, so to protect their own resources will not be too convenient.
6. Fleet.
Manage your fleet
7. Technology
See a variety of architecture, ships, research, defense lead technology required.
8. Milky Way.
View star maps, you can see what galaxies have on the planet, as well as the planet belongs player id, Alliance.
9. Defense more ...
The construction of defense forces, the fort's defensive planet will be very helpful to different ships, the fort was destroyed in the fighting, the war will have 70% were repaired.
10. League
Alliance Data, Alliance Management Services.
Alliance can assist you much in real terms, but under the protection of most of the league, as long as the league's strength is not too weak, can be avoided in the initial lot of people watch you do not have the protection of league and a direct attack on you, at least you will take into account the attack, the whether it will provoke a league of war, because most of the league have a lot of the non-aggression treaty and its allies. Furthermore, the Alliance is a comrade-in-arms provide a common pipeline, if you have someone with the same goals can be coordinated attack. If the allies have the moon and sensor array, can help you to recover the second. Or when you want to attack suffered enormous reconstruction can give assistance in accordance with the terms of the exception, but you have to ally with you to establish a good relationship.
If someone funded spacecraft factory 1200,360600, small Yun 2600,1800,2700, 2800,5000,1600 espionage, a total of 6600,7160,4900; first three built above after eating lamb at the initial stage will be mixed the relatively fast.
11. Forum
Ogame official forums to go, there are complaints or applications for major war, such as sharing ip with gm-related affairs.
12. Statistics
View points are divided into league / player's total score / Fleet points / study (more than one league will average per member). * Express Ping Pan, + or - that the changes in ranking.
13. English
Search player, planet, Union, Union, referred to (not necessarily want the full name)
English players will see the id, his league, parent id and the coordinates of stars, he's ranking
English planet will see the planet coordinates, their player id, league, ranking
Alliance will see the english league id, short a few members, total (thousand-point scale)
14. Assist
Game Help (German)
15. Message
And information between players, game intelligence. New button "returns?" Appear in the news, it appears other people sent to you at the bottom of the press, and its function is to insult the message of return to the GO, to cite an example, when you receive someone else sent to you containing information an insult to the content, you can use the return function can be returned to the GO. Control of space combat report [5:31:8] (V: 0, A: 1000) one of the V is the defense side, A is the attacking side, behind the figure represents a loss of resources.
16. Notebook
Can write down ideas, notes the content is limited to 5000 characters.
17. Friends List
Show that players have joined the Friends of the online status. Must first search to find the player, then watch the Milky Way at the screen, will have an icon friends are invited. When people increased as a friend you can to the friends list to mutual recognition.
18. Settings
Changes in data, IP-check turn off will not occur again because the relationship between different ip call you to re-log in the case; spyware refers to a number of you at eye star maps points put spyware, automatic selection of the satellite, the satellite should be at home enough ; vacation mode, once two days, this period can log in, but should not do anything, others you should not attack or exploration, during which only basic resources to the production of 20 gold per hour 10 crystal.
19. Write-off
Write-off (in fact, you can turn off bowser)
Six, Overview
Planet name and player name
The top of the planet will be 〔 "XXXXXXX" (XXXXXXX)〕 planet in front are the names behind the ruling planet is the player's name. Click here to change the planet name or the name of a colony to give up.
Server time
Then there is the following 〔server WWW MMM DD HH: MM: SS〕, WWW express today is the day of the week, MMM is the month of express, DD is the date that the back three is that the current time, but not in Taiwan's based on the time, but there is 7 hours time difference, you have at a time when new information, the server will appear above the time you have 〔N〕 news article.
One column has the following case〕 〔Currently this column you should be following is the planet you picture, in the Fleet to go out with you to send someone to send the fleet to the planet when you, the following will have the time that the incident occurred at a time.
Planet Figure
Planet of the picture, are randomly selected, a total of 124.
The right side of the planet map are currently empty, when you have a colony will appear when you right colony planet map, the right side of the planet above the map are the names of the planets are generally 〔〕 colonization, the right side of the planet graph below are the current state of the planet building, if the planet is not in building or upgrading of the building when it will idle〕 〔Writing, Writing is so would be to upgrade the building or building name.
XXXXX kilometers in diameter (XXX / XXX radius), the diameter will affect the radius, while the radius is the sum of the Building Level limit, the smaller the radius is also smaller in diameter, and vice versa, while the radius of the left side of figure are you currently building Level the sum on the right side is the limit, assuming that is currently (12/30 circumference), and you have metal mining buildings 4, Crystal Ore 4, four solar power plants, are the sum of a radius of 12, assuming you do not the wishes of the construction of other buildings, as long as the escalation of the three building like that you can only build to the metal ore 10, Crystal Mine 10, 10 solar power plants, a total of 30 radius.
XX ° C temperature around the XX ° C, the temperature will be affected to have two, one is re-synchronization separator hydrogen heavy hydrogen production, the lower the temperature the higher the output of heavy hydrogen, a solar power satellites are generating capacity (temperature / 4 +20), temperature higher solar power satellites, the higher power output.
Position X: XXX: XX, the front has already stated before. Location will affect the diameter and temperature.
Integral XX (ranked XXXX in the XXXX people), the points are related to what some people will have to attack you and who you can attack, you can attack people of the same you can also attack him, and these are people you must be integral five times or one-fifth at the outside you can not attack while he can not attack him to you, which is green hand protection, but at points more than 5000 hours after there is no protection of the green hand, that is, if you are 5001 points, even if the points are a million points can also be people of God to attack you, followed the rankings, ahead of the figure are representative of the number of players, behind the figure that you are the first of several.
Seven, architecture description (click to view)
Eight, study shows (click to view)
9, shipyards Description (click to view)
Ten, defense Help (click to view)
Defense facilities in the early minutes after 5000 may be easily destroyed.
5000 points after the break, there is substantial fleet capacity dispatched players abound, the initial defense facilities would not be sufficient to provide protection. Another defense facilities may also be interstellar missile destroyed, resist the interplanetary missiles Ways to use the interceptor missile. Details can be fighting simulator calculation, remember to consider science and technology.
But defense can only be a slight anti-attack, if their own resources only stars, but also regular transport resources back home stars, this planet does not need too much defense, but still need a small amount of defensive anti-小狼, perhaps one day you look production, not to destroy the other side would be so defensive you are zoned to the good, the defense just too many big wolf vent Boring object Recycling passing the ruins of the battlefield; study class are defensive manner to protect the fleet (FleetSave, FS) .
Generally speaking, the fortifications at the situation of near collapse of the system will automatically turn off in order to have the opportunity to repair. At the end of the fighting, after the defense facilities have been destroyed there is 70% chance of being repaired.
Defense facilities, the advantages and disadvantages:
The same resources defense could destroy the same resources Fleet
Fleet costs are normally lethal defense are the same twice
Defense has 70% of repair
Lack of mobility
When the defense was the destruction, the ruins of the universe will not have the advantage of an attacker can not be recovered, the downside is that the defenders can not Recycling
11, Fleet
Building before you have the Fleet shipyard, the more advanced the shipyards can build ships have more time to upgrade the shipyard should not shipbuilding, shipbuilding at the shipyards can not upgrade only one of the same make.
Vessel manufacturing time required:
[(Cost gold + crystal) / 5000] * [2 / (shipyards +1)] * Nano-mechanical power plant lv 0.5
Fleet can be made after the selection mission (aggressive behavior, please carefully), at the main menu - Fleet, you will see now in flight Fleet, Fleet planet species, issued at the ship you want to send the next input quantity, according to continue, you will see Fleet menu.
1. Goals
Hair into the goal, it can be planets, TF (the ruins of the battlefield), the moon.
2. Speed
Fleet flight efficiency, the lower the% more slowly, relative to use of fuel is also less.
3. Distance
Starting point and the target distance.
4. Time
Flight Time (one way).
5. Fuel consumption
Heavy hydrogen consumption. Flying in the universe, the one-way only once to speed up navigation, a deceleration. There back and forth twice to speed up, slow down twice. Fuel at the time you start (once to speed up), according to the return journey (first acceleration, a deceleration), arrival time (deceleration time) spent. There is no way to recall the ship because you have the rest of the heavy hydrogen left.
6. Maximum speed
Fleet speed, mixed-fleet, then on the slowest of a ship.
7. Loading
The journey used to load fuel, transportation, snatch goods.
8. Shortcuts
Own planet, click on the automatic input coordinates. 3-7 over the importation of the target coordinates, speed, and will be automatically calculated, according to La to continue to proceed, you will see the determined information.
Bahamut by coastm91159 AT
Fleet → adjust to start to continue → → quantity adjust the solar system, planet number, speed ┐
┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘
├ → target selection "planet"
│ ↓
│ ┬ → continue the offensive to continue → → (start to attack)
│ ├ → Transport → Traffic → continue to adjust → (start delivery)
│ ├ → → spies continue → (go start detection)
│ ├ → Colonial → continue → (start to colonial planet)
│ └ → → adjust to send traffic (can be filled or not filled) → continue → start unilateral transport (or garrison)
│ ※ spy spy satellites can be.
│ ※ planet are sending each other colonial stars you can.
│ ※ colonial colonial spacecraft are to be.
├ → target selection "battlefield ruins" → continue → Recycling → continue → (start pick up space debris)
│ ※ Only the ruins of the battlefield "Ship Recycling useful"
└ → target selection, "the moon" → (Please know the board of Friends of the moon to add)
One can begin to see star map planet which belongs behind a player's name has (i) or (iI), and on behalf of him two weeks (i) or 4 weeks (iI) there is no on-line La, usually green hand area (just off should be relatively new in the solar system) i have opened the account are not long lost on the non-playing, and can be robbed, but careful not to over-attack.
If sent Fleet encountered multiple warnings! Fleet could not be sent to the players! That you and each other's IP the same, could not be sent.
Twelve, green hand protection
5000 points the following players can not attack points for their own more than five times, one-fifth of the following players, nor can it be to attack these players.
Thirteen, a radius of
Is the radius of the planet may be the number of building construction. Upgrade a Level every building, the building will be more than one area of accounting. Technology, fleet, defense (including missiles) have not accounted for radius. Parent stars are for a radius of 163, according to the size of the colonial stars probability distribution.
Radius of the calculation: (planet diameter / 1000) 2. Radius of the moon can be used with this algorithm.
Fourteen points
Increased consumption of resources per 1000 total score one point, fuel, unless the galaxy browser.
Level increase in a research study 1:00 pm, an increase in ship 1:00 pm Fleet.
Fleet or the eradication of defense facilities will be clawing back the losses equivalent to the structural sub-units of the total score.
Statistics at server time 00:00, 08:00 and 16:00 updates.
15, Fleet protection (FleetSave, FS)
As the name suggests, FleetSave Fleet is to protect the meaning of green hand are ways to protect themselves. Since the addition of new players can not resist a powerful fleet, so at the time of attack, instead of thinking about how to resist each other's offensive, it is better to consider how to protect their own resources and the Fleet. This is also when you are not online when the fleet was not to ensure their own way to destroy others.
Under normal circumstances, when their own planet under attack, the planet on shipyard to produce all necessary things (defense, ships, satellites) will be involved in the fighting. However, in a powerful enemy fleet, the lack of quantity or types of small ship will not be able to avoid being destroyed. FleetSave the first definition is to allow these fragile Fleet leave before the arrival of the enemy. After the ship left the planet because it will not be able to attack in the state, apart from being second to recover, the absolute security.
In addition, in order to protect their own resources (and not let the enemy steal resources), it is necessary to minimize the planet's resources will be loaded up in the Fleet, with the fleet to leave, and will adjust for the efficiency of raw materials to produce 0%.
Let Fleet left the commonly used method has the following:
1. Let "spy satellites" to follow the fleet to non-defense "planet", you can select "espionage" mission, so that the other side of the planet Fleet arrive after carrying back the original resources. This method is probably necessary to take into account the fleet was found and the risk of fighting with each other.
2. So that "skimmers" to follow the fleet to the "battlefield ruins", you can select "recovery" mission, so the fleet can arrive carrying the original TF resources and "battlefield ruins" back.
3. Let Fleet went to the Friend of the "planet" to "transport" mission.
4. To allow the fleet to their own "planet" to "transport" or "colonial" mission.
5. To allow the fleet to go to non-defense and not on line a long time, "planet" to "attack", so as to get some resources go home.
Fleet departure rate can be adjusted to control the round-trip time, of course, you can also half-way point of the Fleet called back. More slowly, "heavy hydrogen" consume less.
FleetSave apart from being attacked as a contingency measure, but also can be used as not online at the time of preventive measures. In this this case, the resources do not yield adjusted to 0%, as long as the fleet and resources at the mobile can be interstellar. Fleet dispatched same method as described above can be adjusted by the rate, so that the next fleet in their own back on line.
by darkmiz
Peacetime are robbing their own people, but when there is a day than you have strong people how to play when you do?
If you are online, to see someone hit you and you fail to grasp the victory is coming at him when, a few steps to do the following actions:
First of all the resources spent on building and technology, as can be canceled, the resources will come back to add. But not to put money in shipyard or defense, because the construction of these can not be canceled. If resources have left in him before the arrival of 12 minutes to turn off the electricity generation market to make sure resources are no longer produced. And let all the fleet on the planet with all the resources to flee the scene, which would allow him to grab a share of zero resources. Over at him after the Fleet put them back, power generation market opened, the abolition of Architecture and Technology, you can put all resources to restore. Remember to send the fleet away from you when the election of the recent "Planet" or "the ruins of the battlefield" and the speed to 10%, to save fuel.
When you are not online, how to ensure that their fleet was not to destroy other people do?
Fleet moving will not be playing. So sleep at night or when not online, let the fleet to leave the planet. If the fleet has "Ship Recycling", so that your fleet with all the resources to the vicinity of "the ruins of the battlefield" and "recovery" mission. If the fleet has "spy satellite", to send the fleet to the detection probability of 0% (usually there is no defense idle planet) to "spy" mission. Adjust the speed to allow the use of one-way flight time are you off around half the time, so when you line up again when the fleet just to come back with all the resources.
16, the galaxy that
Games in the left menu of the "Milky Way" can be used to watch the Milky Way an overview of ten take a look heavy hydrogen.
No. First of all, note the significance of the planet:
Each person has a set of planet number [A: BBB: CC], A representative of the galaxy number, from 1 ~ 9, BBB representatives of the solar system number, from 1 ~ 499, CC number on behalf of the planet, from 1 ~ 15.
Strength of the player (s), strength of the weak players (n): a lot of trust on behalf of people were of the opinion that on-line rate, but in fact are not. Strength of the player (s), strength of the weak players (n) represents the green hand protection can not be based on the attack or the object of espionage. If you are green hand protection (5000 points), the points you score five times more than the players, show (s), are strong players. Points lower than the fraction 1 / 5 of the players, show (n), the players are weak in strength. Idle for too long account (iI) from the green hand protection restrictions.
Holiday mode (u): once at least two days, this period can log in, but should not do anything, others you should not attack or exploration. Could be terminated after two days of vacation mode, if ignored will continue to maintain the vacation mode. Vacation mode, only the basic value of resource production Metal 20 Crystal 10. Vacation mode for at least 48 hours, that is, after 48 hours you can be canceled, and holidays you can not move, there is no output. Please note that while you opened after the holidays, they should not hit you, but On the road or the Fleet to fight, but also because you can not vacation FS. Even if there is at Fleet Beat you on the road, you can also open vacation. Holiday player will be displayed as (u).
Planet numbered side of the letter:
T: battlefield ruins, the wreckage of the fleet, move the cursor a few seconds can be seen above the amount of resources, use recycled shipping can be achieved.
M: the moon, the fighting has generated substantial wreckage likely trip into the moon, 100,000 resources has 1% chance, up to 20%. Move the mouse on the moon, we can see S on behalf of the size, T on behalf of the temperature.
A: The planet was destroyed just been abandoned colonial stars, will disappear within two days.
R: space jump door, there is room for both of the moon jump door allows Fleet moment for mobile, please refer to the moon related to architecture description.
*: On behalf of the fleet has moves, or be attacked by spyware balance.
Player next to the names in the letters:
i or i I: Idle planet, i on behalf of the people for a week of no action (21 fraction no action update), i I on behalf of the four people did not worship the action.
g: be punished planet
s: strong players
n: strength of weak players
u: Holiday mode
Were destroyed planet: the representative of the colonial masters of the planet put on this planet to give up two days or so no one will become the location of the blank.
Action: The probe launch: the launch of spy satellites, the default quantity can be at the "Settings" to adjust.
Writing News: sending SMS, in fact can only write in 250 characters (500 characters), excess will be truncated.
Friends asked: can you please add each other as friends, mutual friends set up the other people can see online status, limit the list of 20 people.
30min? Sometimes behind the planet will show time, that on behalf of the planet the last player from now on-line time. If there is non of the players sent to the planet Fleet activities, but will also show the time. Apart from friends or allies, you are unable to know whether the other party online.
The collection of intelligence: on the planet want to know can get the intelligence to launch spy satellites. Able amount of information gathered depends on the technology gap between the two sides of espionage and spy quantity. Defense means that the probability of detecting spyware spyware was found because the chances are forced to battle. When the other side of the planet has to stay at Fleet, spyware was found to improve the chances will increase. Do not spy any other planet, unless you want to attack him. Spy will be unfamiliar to most players have seen as hostile acts.
Spyware detection formula:
K = spy spy technology both quantity + bad ^ Level 2 (Level probably bad for the negative)
K> = 1 shows that resources
K> = 2 we can see Fleet
K> = 3 shows that defense
K> = 5 can be seen building
K> = 7 visible research
17, the colonial
Each solar system has 15 planets, the planet means that no one can be used as the object of colonization. Colonization is a necessary condition to have the colonial spacecraft, the spacecraft will be sent to the colonial selected coordinates the implementation of the "colonial" mission can be. Spacecraft on the colonial mind not to bring any resources, because the success of post-colonial colonial bring resources together with the spacecraft will disappear. A player can have the greatest nine stars, including stars and a mother of eight colonial stars.
Colonial stars to give up / renamed
In the planet overview page click on the name of the planet can be abandoned or renamed planet. Abandon the planet, the planet should not have fleet activity, nor are studying or building. Planet to give up after the destruction of the planet to exist in the form of two days, may be their spies or offensive. During this period there is still the role of defense facilities, were destroyed planet of resources will not continue to increase. Colonial stars to give up again immediately after colonization, the same location of the colonial have to wait until the destruction of the planet disappeared.
Property distribution of planet
Parent stars are the size of the rate of one a radius of 163, the colonial stars may have different changes. Usually number 4 ~ 9 planet for a higher probability of a larger planet, while the greater the number the lower the temperature of the planet. High temperature so that solar power satellites to increase the energy generated, low weight hydrogen production, nuclear fusion power plants to reduce the volume of consumption of heavy hydrogen.
Planet the size of the list (note the size distribution are listed in 60% probability):
Position 1: The average radius: 64, has 60% chance of a radius of between 48-80 between the
Location 2: The average radius: 68, has 60% chance of a radius of between 53-83 between the
Position 3: The average radius: 73, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 54-82
Location 4: The average radius: 173, has 60% chance of a radius of between 108-238 between the
Location 5: The average radius: 167, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 95-239
Location 6: The average radius: 155, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 82-228
Location 7: The average radius: 144, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 116-173
Location 8: The average radius: 150, has 60% chance of a radius of between 123-177 between the
Location 9: The average radius: 159, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 129-188
Position 10: average radius: 101, has 60% chance of a radius of between 79-122 between the
Position 11: average radius: 98, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 81-116
Position 12: average radius: 105, has 60% chance of a radius of between 85-129 between
Position 13: average radius: 110, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 60-160
Position 14: average radius: 84, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 42-126
Position 15: average radius: 101, has 60% chance of a radius of between 54-149 between the
The size of the colonial stars
The number of stars the size of the colonial want it enough? This depends on your current target.
If you are just beginning the development of colonial Units spacecraft that are very precious, you can slowly building to yield nine planets are full of, and resources earn back, and then decide not to want to destroy the planet.
For the development of medium-term period, most of them based on resource requirements to select the size of the planet to all-round development of the planet would choose a radius of more than 170 would be enough, but if you are developing a single resource, such as heavy hydrogen field, you do not need it Great. If it is distance independent planet, it is also recommended at a radius of more than 170 would have been better.
The latter is based on the strategic needs of the colonial planet, select the size, look how many of their own planning to build facilities to select the size.
The functions of the colonial stars
Some people often ask, let me colonial stars which good? There is no answer to this question, everyone has their own preferences, but also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Someone enjoy exclusive a solar system, so easy to mobilize resources with the fleet, can you completely exposed colonial stars give opponents know; also likes someone diaspora, the advantages and disadvantages of Dr just another opposite; or can compromise between the two is also good.
Of aggression-type player is worth noting that there is another way to do this is to remain a star Forever space, used to do a springboard for attacks, is scheduled to be a long time to find the target of attack at the target near the colonial, and then put star the current line of bases, hit and run to some extent.
1. Resources stars: Resources stars can choose to sing at the vicinity of the mother.
2. Rear: rear chose the Milky Way at the rear, most of them are inter-galactic. But also specifically to kill someone rear.
3. Springboard attacks: a springboard to attack the fleet chose to target the planet near the main building are mainly of heavy hydrogen, is also possible the construction of the fleet in situ.
4. The second parent star: the location of the mother sing well, another place.
18, miscellaneous
Will be destroyed only Fleet and defense, building and will not be destroyed and will not被灭States, but may be fixed to do not want to play.
The field of scientific research are shared with the colonial parent stars, but the robot factory and shipyard did not share.
Resources, plant or power plant building, please place on their own to the raw materials by twice. Changes in production efficiency but also by twice the time. System, stupid, and sometimes does not on its own calculation.
Any person as long as you send the fleet to the planet, you will be able to know immediately. Want to know each other's fleet composition required a degree of spy technology, spy detailed technical description.
Increase in computer technology are at the same time to send the "fleet" quantity. Be able to dispatch a single fleet of "spaceships" quantity or all of Fleet did not limit the total number of spacecraft.
Spacecraft or the structure of defense facilities. Structural sub-units on behalf of the production quantity of the metal crystal add an additional sub-structure of one-tenth of the unit value of the basic armor.
Nineteen, was played how do
Must first recognize each other is.
If the allies are, the letter can give him, and in general are probably mistakes. Ordinary people, then, first of all, hair letter asked him to withdraw moderate. Usually do not retire, but you did not damage it. Or tell him, at you online, you did not hit a bad idea, because you will escape.
And to make sure that, you attack or not attack him.
If it is pure transport ships, then a simple defense can be successful with the Fleet to resist each other. Of course, in general consider the other side are calculated after the win will only be sent to the fleet to attack you. If you find that you arrive in the fleet during this period, covering defense and the fleet can successfully repel each other, it can try.
Otherwise, it is necessary to protect the other grabbed Fleet 0 resources.
First of all, you put the resources and research point to the building goes on, these resources after the abolition of you will be fully back. Then put the remaining resources to carry on board all vessels. If you do too many resources, and that heavy hydrogen, crystal, metal, precious follow the extent of (production energy) onto a ship. So, all the remaining points to cover defense. And turn off the power so that output is 0. Fleet over so that he can only get a little bit of resources. Remember, unless you are very busy, otherwise, try to arrive at a time when the fleet faster to do these things. And wait until after the attack fleet put them back, power on the computer.
Do not have me continue to produce open or not to move the resources are not spent on board, at least half of the mind can retain. Since tasted the sweetness of each other as long as, it will come back! You must want to reduce each other's profits do.
Twenty, rapid firing RF (Click to view)
The twenty-first, what is the recovery of second
Second to recover, some people would say second to recover. If the second someone chasing you, then you will see this: you send the fleet at X when the second back to Planet X. The enemy's fleet in the Fleet you arrive a few seconds after the hit on you. The purpose of him you are the fleet, sent to the troops so often powerful. The arrival time so that you could not deal with action, and no way FS.
Why so? Endemic to build on the moon because the above things called Phalanx sensors, he can explore a range of movement of the fleet, including fleet arrival time. And count him a good time to go to send the fleet, just before you came back a few seconds Fleet Get your planet!
In addition, some people do not the moon, he can make use of your technology, fleet composition, with the planet's distance-based Fleet go home time. (This is usually happen at you when to send troops to play a planet)
How to avoid induction want Phalanx do?
Fleet has three Phalanx sensors can not see:
1. To send the fleet to carry out "colonial" mission, and then called back.
2. From the moon to the "ruins of the battlefield"
3. From the moon to the moon
22, the moon, Phalanx sensors, space jump door
1. What is the moon? How to get me one?
The moon is a planet in your orbit satellites, you can not be a colonial out the moon, the only way out is that you have a battle on the planet. 100.000 units each around the wreckage, you can have 1% chance of a moon have, and can only have 20% chance. And it is not cumulative. Each generated by the end of the fighting at that battle wreckage only go after the calculation. Moon is an automatically generated, you will be fighting at the end of the report to see the results:
Have substantial mutual attraction of metal and crystal aggregation and form a moon shape.
Now is your moon, he is directly formed.
2. Spaces are how the moon work?
First start a lunar radius of only one. Each of the construction of a lunar base, you can get extra 3 radius. (Although you can use a radius of only 2, because you have to go the construction of a space under a lunar base.) Can be constructed Maximum space is calculated: (moon size / 1000) 2 (rounded down to the nearest decimal point), it is Say, the moon the size divided by 1000, then square.
3. Me at the moon above can be done?
Robot can be created on the Moon Factory (go back assist to build up larger building), shipyard (which is very useful for the defense is concerned, should not interplanetary missiles are launched on the moon), metal, crystal, deuterium storage sites (at present these the moon does not help), the moon base (to help you to provide more space for the moon, in front of explained), only two have built the facilities at the Moon: Phalanx sensors and space jump door.
4. Phalanx sensors are what, how it work?
Sensor Phalanx a permit you can go to scan within the scope of any planet (range is [(Sensor Phalanx Level) 2 - 1] of the solar system). When you scan a planet, there will be a pop-up window to tell you to go to heart of all the planet's fleet, as well as the planet from the heart of the Fleet sent. Overview page and on our planet, as will show precise arrival time, as well as the composition of the fleet. The advantage of a player you can scan the planet, you see the job go to send the fleet, the Fleet at him then you go home after the Fleet's arrival after two seconds. This means that he can confirm to you the destruction of the fleet. That is why at Phalanx sensors within the scope of the fleet are very fatal. Sensor Phalanx scans once required expensive heavy hydrogen 5000.
5. How I escaped from the threat of induction Phalanx?
At present, the only Phalanx sensors can not see is the mission at both the object should not move between scans. He should not scan the object is the moon and interplanetary debris. So the only safe FleetSave, is from a lunar to a interstellar debris, or from a moon of a moon. This is why everyone always put him to send the fleet on the moon - very safe because there will not be scanned to. When people with Phalanx sensors scan you when you are not receive any message, and someone you do not know whether or not you re-scan.
6. Spaces are doing jumping the door?
Jump only the construction of a store at the moon high above the building. You need at least two space jump door, only way to make him useful. (Also on behalf of, and required both the moon.) And you can be pleased with you to send any number of the fleet (although the exception of resources), at two in the mobile space jump door, every 60 minutes can be the first time. And there is no need to spend resources. Jump door delivery is immediate. You can only send their fleets through its own door two space jump.
7. The moon why do so surprising?
TU, the moon will allow you to attack other people of the fleet, even if he had to do FleetSave, and let others see you hit the fleet (so you can make good FleetSave), and you can save resources - because the moon does not have the resources quarry , there is no storage limit of the problem, you can pile up at the moon you extra resources, but you can mine at planet is pleased to continue to produce.
8. The moon could destroy it?
Yes, the moon can be destroyed, but only the Death Star could destroy him, but it is very dangerous and difficult. Death Star to destroy the chances of the Moon are:
(100 - √ Moon size) * (√ stars die quantity)
But at the same time, the Death Star and all the fleet together with the past was the destruction of the probability is:
(√ Moon size) / 2
When the moon is destroyed, all the fleet to the moon will turn to the planet the past. In the past, if the moon were destroyed, you will be the same as a new planet. This bug has been fixed, so if you have the moon was destroyed, you can be recycled one.
9. How to decide the size of the moon?
The size of the moon are random. However, if the moon was the construction of the probability that there is 20%, heart of the moon at least 8000 kilometers in diameter size, this size will be difficult to die to upset the moon stars.
10. I can have more than one moon吗? It useful?
Can, of course, but can not be a planet at the same both on the Moon, especially at different inter-galactic moon, is a bar - you can have both the construction of sensors Phalanx, so you can scan both have the scope, and construction at the space between them jump door - Ship Recycling at both the Milky Way if the inter-to 100% of the speed of movement, will spend 10 hours as well as the 1500's heavy hydrogen, and the jump door can help you to do so quickly and for free movement of .
11. Moon was manufactured after the wreckage of what will happen over there?
When a moon was manufactured after drifting at the track on the wreckage is still in full existence, waiting for you to recovery. I do not know how he do, this is only a game.
12. When I put the mouse to move to the Star Map on the moon, the above figure represent?
S, represents the size of the moon's diameter. T, while the moon represents the lowest temperature (currently useless)?
Can help build on, but the ruins of the battlefield can only be made by the disadvantaged Fleet side (that is easy to lose that side) of the recovery. However, However, to recover their own losses are not part of the problem.
Made 20% month, the ruins of 2000000 required to Dayun per 12,000 units, but only 30% of the formation of the ruins, so only 12,000 * 0.3 = 3600 units shipped 2000000/3600 = 556 NTU.
23, the energy selection
ogame has three types of energy sources:
1. Solar energy power plants (referred to as too much electricity)
2. Nuclear fusion power plants (referred to as nuclear power)
3. Solar power satellites (referred to as Tai Wei)
These three energy, under normal circumstances the order should be: 1> 2> 3
In other words, should the early Ethernet as the backbone to the development of electricity, too electric to around 17 or so there will be a high threshold of resources, when we consider nuclear power in support of its shortcomings. Tai Wei does not recommend the use of stars in the mother, the reasons for the latter.
There was nothing to talk too much electricity, and we again want to say is that nuclear power and the Guardian too. This is both the efficiency of energy production is closely linked with the temperature.
Nuclear power plants are heavy hydrogen consumption to produce electricity, first of all, we have a few points must be noted:
High-temperature planet, hydrogen production in the lower weight. Power consumption of heavy hydrogen amount is relatively small.
Low-temperature planet, re-higher yield of hydrogen. Power consumption of heavy hydrogen was also more.
If encountered in the development of medium-term energy crisis, which could be considered for one or two to build a nuclear power plant temporarily hold you, but you want to measure their own weight of hydrogen production plants, although not put the emphasis on the production of hydrogen are finished, but you want a little balance between production, re-production of hydrogen is a very precious few resources. Also, please remember to adjust raw materials, where the percentage of nuclear power plant, if too much electricity or go after the nuclear power plant could be temporarily transferred to 0% waste savings deuterium.
Generally speaking, the proposed nuclear power plant 3 is enough, nuclear power is not suitable as a main power plant, his role is to assist the electricity too, too much make up for lack of electricity. Of course, someone rushed into the teeth 6, but not very recommended that, to a degree, the pursuit of high-grade building is not much significance should then start to accelerate the colonization, to get more space and production capacity. Wait until the backbone of a good economy as a whole, and then come back to upgrade the high-grade building one by one.
The Guardian too time and place of use must have no parent stars, if the shortage of energy can also be slightly too small amount of production to make up for The Guardian, but The Guardian would be too much affected by the attack when he was wiped out, so the risk was high. The use of too much too Wei Wei must first understand the power formula: The most high-temperature / 4 +20, Tai Wei cost: 0/2000/500
If we say that the energy shortage because too Wei launch, there is no use to look too Wei survival time, the event very unfortunate hair up at the cost of recovery was not wiped out, then of course the loss; but if exist a long time, and costs are to fight ping even earn, of course, it is very cost-effective manner.
The Guardian too has the risk of the use is in nature, in the latter half of development, if you colonial planet remote enough, but may consider using the Guardian too冲高plant resources, and other resources adequate electricity and then back to upgrade too. But the remote planet of its resources is not easy with the parent stars, or other colonial circulation, thus enabling us to measure the consumption may be crystals, at the same time remember not to rely too much on too Wei generation, the basic backbone of electricity is still too want to upgrade.
In addition, Wei too have another mode of development. Guardian because of the generating capacity is too limited to temperature, and therefore to the people especially the colonial one ~ on the 3rd planet, although the yield to the table the probability is high, but too much power The Guardian also an exceptionally strong (too Wei generating a maximum of 50 each), can be as a single resource (metal or crystal) of origin.
Want to use too Wei perhaps before be sure to calculate the power output, so as not to waste resources less than the value of auxiliary production.
24, combat report
Report can tell you fighting about?
Weapons: 80% protective shield: 80% Shell: 80%: 8 protective shield weapons express 8 shell 8, will directly affect the values behind
219 missile destroyers 14 battleships, fired a total of 352 times: 352-219-14 times that there is one of the RF
The total strength of 633,600 energy: that in this 352 times the energy weapon attack
Defense shield absorbs 13581 damage points:? ?
25, how to replace the skin
1. First of all, advanced to the "Settings" then (at left).
2. And then to "General Settings" then the "appearance of the path (such as: C: / ogame / pictures /)", click "download"
3. Go to enjoy your own appearance. Then download it, on their own computers.
4. Decompress after the place where to look, like I was on the D worse. And you look at the appearance of download file name is.
5. Such as the file name is reloaded, then in the "appearance of the path (such as: C: / ogame / pictures /)" behind the space,
6. Enter D: / reloaded / formate, press "OK."
7. Then, after the removal of formate, and then an "OK."
8. Note: At this point, "the appearance of the path (such as: C: / ogame / pictures /)" box should be D: / reloaded /
9. Finally, click your browser's "Refresh" on the list.
PS. The default value is
Can also use another way for Skin, directly from the Internet on a link:
1. Put the skin path that column D swap
2. Press the Change
3. At the bottom there will be one path to another box
4. Direct election at which you just want the SKIN.
5. Remember the press after the election to change yo
Most of the content from a well-known foreign translation tutorial version, modify the part of the contents of
If you are playing first, be sure to read. Access to the best before the Games take a look at the rules of the game
First, register
If you are ready to enter the universe one, then click U1 first register, mail fees to write the letter, because there will be password; user name will not be with other people want to find duplicate names, but also should not have in English with special symbols. Then check the consent of the general terms, click register, you can receive the go-mail. Note that some mail may not receive the letter, this time can give it a try for a mailbox.
Two, how to play
One, a pacifist
Peace does not mean that you will not be someone to fight you, but at least not easy to grudges. If you recognized U.S. neutrality, was naturally low chance of harassment. Another consideration of peace are not easy to control points over 5000 points.
2, war, who
Only a very high rate on line of people to become interstellar pirates always work. Clear-cut and construction of the looting of resources that will enable their rapid growth, at the same time become the obvious targets. This player has required eagle eyes, the use of the fleet under the protection of powerful enemies surrounded by the accumulated force, until the military force with a powerful counter-player.
3, do not know the situation
Such players are greedy and lack of patience and control to send the fleet out loot. With the fleet are from the accumulated points with a powerful enemy. And such player has no ability to cope with increasingly powerful opponents, Hisayuki must become sad sheep bones.
4, was uproar among the targets of attacks
I can only say three, but many out of the fourth but I can not help mentioning, that is, two places at once. Although the two places at once to be able to make their own powerful and speedy, but here the players should be very aware that this is not to be encouraged to act. If you see two places at once, please打爆forced him until he did not want to play so far.
Three, Getting Started Teaching
First start the development of "ore", "Crystal Mine", "solar power plant," 10 began to develop "heavy hydrogen separator." Adequate resources can be considered a "light laser gun", the following can be around 10. Then continue to develop resources and the development of "colonial space", while the post-colonial development ", large transport aircraft." Pre-colonial veteran asked the views of the best, because the use of the colonial way of stars in each person is different. "Computer technology" is important, it affects the dispatch of the fleet at the same time be able to quantity. Note that pre-colonial resources to cover the several stages and there is no fixed standards to individual needs.
The first thing the development of building all the movements are to spend resources ( "metal", "crystal", "heavy hydrogen"), resource production, including basic (20 per hour for each planet gold crystal 10) and the resource factory production resources, plant production must be energy support, not enough electricity, then there would be no production of 100 percent or higher plants is wasted resources, building cost metal: crystal are approximately 2:1 to 3:1, but at the same level the "ore" production "Crystal Mine" many, upgrade "Crystal Mine" have more resources.
Begin to build one first "solar power plant" level, then begin to build "Metal Factory," "crystal factory", "metal works" perhaps better than "Crystal Factory" high two months, building on the balance of resources, and attention electricity, enough electric power plants, then on the cover, or put one into a reduction of plant efficiency (next to the%) to allow another to maintain the high-power, depending on what you were missing resources, not enough energy, the output will be reduced.
To a certain extent to be able to build the "hydrogen Sync Separator", it is recommended in the "solar power plant" after 10 is considered hydrogen plant, which is the fleet of fuel, but also research necessary to begin Level 5 can be used to build "nuclear fusion power plants, "which things depend on consumption of heavy hydrogen to generate electricity," nuclear fusion power plant "will consume" heavy hydrogen ", calculated, and its performance is still slightly less than the largest" solar power plant "," heavy hydrogen "consumed with the improve and reduce the temperature, but the planet at high temperature cover "nuclear fusion power plants" are not worthwhile, because the "heavy hydrogen separator sync" with the high temperature will be reduced, "nuclear fusion power plants," the application of the temporary shortfall in energy disposal, such as "ore" or "Crystal Mine" just not the resources or Health "solar power plant", the "nuclear fusion power plants" could be supplemented by temporary shortages of energy until the "solar power plant" until the upgrade.
And is the "Robot Factory", which will speed up the building pace of things, but also "the spacecraft factory" the foundation, the next is the "spaceship factory" and "studies" La Center.
Memory are used to store resources, the planet's resources more than the stock, it would become a scarlet letter, then the planet will not be in the production of the resources until you have enough storage space. However, the default value of 1 beginning of each memory are 100k, that is, the storage capacity of 100,000, just start the green hand is also very adequate. If it is shipped from outside the resources of more than a storage capacity will not disappear, but will become red.
Four, unified information
The most upper left there is the universe X (V x. Xx). Universe X: This represents your server address, X, if one is the universe are one. (V x.xx): This represents the current game version of this article was published at the time are (V 0.76).
There will be between the top of a picture, have side XXXXXXXX 〔O: OOO: OO〕. Photos of the appearance of the planet you are, XXXXXXXXXX then you are the planet's name, 〔O: OOO: OO〕 planet while you are at the address of this universe. The first group of figures are the Milky Way, the second group of figures are the solar system, the third figure is the first of several planets. 3:223:11 〔〕, for example, that the Milky Way is the third planet 223rd eleventh solar system planets. Each has nine Galaxy universe, each galaxy has 499 solar system, each solar system has 15 planets. Next to have a downward arrow, that is after you have colony planet can quickly switch between different tools.
There are four picture at the top right of picture below there is "metal", "crystal", "heavy hydrogen", "energy", which you are the representative of a planet, perhaps this situation, in front of the three resources, one of "Metal Mine "with" Crystal Mine "each planet will have a production value of the basic 10 with 20" heavy hydrogen "production at the initial stage will not be building" heavy hydrogen separator "before production, the energy is" ore "," Crystal Mine "," heavy hydrogen Sync Separator "three buildings must be made, and the construction of" solar power plant "," nuclear fusion power plant "," solar power satellites "will have energy, but energy is fixed, unlike the resources will be Change over time increase.
Friday, the main menu
1. Overview
The current state of the planet
2. Building more ...
The construction of buildings
3. Resources
Adjust the operation of power production. When the construction finished, "solar power plant" with the basic economic building or the launch of the "solar power satellites", the can go to this page to press the lower right corner〕 〔calculation to recalculate the resource output with the energy sum, here expressed by only a Straight-type addition and subtraction, but start from the top of the calculation, the final count is the sum of your current resources available per hour. Here the "solar power satellite" shows there is a problem, although on the surface are 50, but when you press the calculation of the time, it will display the correct capacity.
4. Research more ...
Research on new technology and upgrade Level Technology to study the need to have "research lab" to study the project will let you have a stronger fleet, defense, it can ship more with the ability to spy, "research laboratory" Level impact of R & D projects and research speed.
5. Shipyard more ...
Manufacturing Fleet, need to cover "spaceship factory," covered "spaceship factory" must build "Robot Factory" Level 2. "The spacecraft factory" Level of the impact of the project can produce and manufacture of speed. Once the construction of ships or begin defense will not be able to cancel, so to protect their own resources will not be too convenient.
6. Fleet.
Manage your fleet
7. Technology
See a variety of architecture, ships, research, defense lead technology required.
8. Milky Way.
View star maps, you can see what galaxies have on the planet, as well as the planet belongs player id, Alliance.
9. Defense more ...
The construction of defense forces, the fort's defensive planet will be very helpful to different ships, the fort was destroyed in the fighting, the war will have 70% were repaired.
10. League
Alliance Data, Alliance Management Services.
Alliance can assist you much in real terms, but under the protection of most of the league, as long as the league's strength is not too weak, can be avoided in the initial lot of people watch you do not have the protection of league and a direct attack on you, at least you will take into account the attack, the whether it will provoke a league of war, because most of the league have a lot of the non-aggression treaty and its allies. Furthermore, the Alliance is a comrade-in-arms provide a common pipeline, if you have someone with the same goals can be coordinated attack. If the allies have the moon and sensor array, can help you to recover the second. Or when you want to attack suffered enormous reconstruction can give assistance in accordance with the terms of the exception, but you have to ally with you to establish a good relationship.
If someone funded spacecraft factory 1200,360600, small Yun 2600,1800,2700, 2800,5000,1600 espionage, a total of 6600,7160,4900; first three built above after eating lamb at the initial stage will be mixed the relatively fast.
11. Forum
Ogame official forums to go, there are complaints or applications for major war, such as sharing ip with gm-related affairs.
12. Statistics
View points are divided into league / player's total score / Fleet points / study (more than one league will average per member). * Express Ping Pan, + or - that the changes in ranking.
13. English
Search player, planet, Union, Union, referred to (not necessarily want the full name)
English players will see the id, his league, parent id and the coordinates of stars, he's ranking
English planet will see the planet coordinates, their player id, league, ranking
Alliance will see the english league id, short a few members, total (thousand-point scale)
14. Assist
Game Help (German)
15. Message
And information between players, game intelligence. New button "returns?" Appear in the news, it appears other people sent to you at the bottom of the press, and its function is to insult the message of return to the GO, to cite an example, when you receive someone else sent to you containing information an insult to the content, you can use the return function can be returned to the GO. Control of space combat report [5:31:8] (V: 0, A: 1000) one of the V is the defense side, A is the attacking side, behind the figure represents a loss of resources.
16. Notebook
Can write down ideas, notes the content is limited to 5000 characters.
17. Friends List
Show that players have joined the Friends of the online status. Must first search to find the player, then watch the Milky Way at the screen, will have an icon friends are invited. When people increased as a friend you can to the friends list to mutual recognition.
18. Settings
Changes in data, IP-check turn off will not occur again because the relationship between different ip call you to re-log in the case; spyware refers to a number of you at eye star maps points put spyware, automatic selection of the satellite, the satellite should be at home enough ; vacation mode, once two days, this period can log in, but should not do anything, others you should not attack or exploration, during which only basic resources to the production of 20 gold per hour 10 crystal.
19. Write-off
Write-off (in fact, you can turn off bowser)
Six, Overview
Planet name and player name
The top of the planet will be 〔 "XXXXXXX" (XXXXXXX)〕 planet in front are the names behind the ruling planet is the player's name. Click here to change the planet name or the name of a colony to give up.
Server time
Then there is the following 〔server WWW MMM DD HH: MM: SS〕, WWW express today is the day of the week, MMM is the month of express, DD is the date that the back three is that the current time, but not in Taiwan's based on the time, but there is 7 hours time difference, you have at a time when new information, the server will appear above the time you have 〔N〕 news article.
One column has the following case〕 〔Currently this column you should be following is the planet you picture, in the Fleet to go out with you to send someone to send the fleet to the planet when you, the following will have the time that the incident occurred at a time.
Planet Figure
Planet of the picture, are randomly selected, a total of 124.
The right side of the planet map are currently empty, when you have a colony will appear when you right colony planet map, the right side of the planet above the map are the names of the planets are generally 〔〕 colonization, the right side of the planet graph below are the current state of the planet building, if the planet is not in building or upgrading of the building when it will idle〕 〔Writing, Writing is so would be to upgrade the building or building name.
XXXXX kilometers in diameter (XXX / XXX radius), the diameter will affect the radius, while the radius is the sum of the Building Level limit, the smaller the radius is also smaller in diameter, and vice versa, while the radius of the left side of figure are you currently building Level the sum on the right side is the limit, assuming that is currently (12/30 circumference), and you have metal mining buildings 4, Crystal Ore 4, four solar power plants, are the sum of a radius of 12, assuming you do not the wishes of the construction of other buildings, as long as the escalation of the three building like that you can only build to the metal ore 10, Crystal Mine 10, 10 solar power plants, a total of 30 radius.
XX ° C temperature around the XX ° C, the temperature will be affected to have two, one is re-synchronization separator hydrogen heavy hydrogen production, the lower the temperature the higher the output of heavy hydrogen, a solar power satellites are generating capacity (temperature / 4 +20), temperature higher solar power satellites, the higher power output.
Position X: XXX: XX, the front has already stated before. Location will affect the diameter and temperature.
Integral XX (ranked XXXX in the XXXX people), the points are related to what some people will have to attack you and who you can attack, you can attack people of the same you can also attack him, and these are people you must be integral five times or one-fifth at the outside you can not attack while he can not attack him to you, which is green hand protection, but at points more than 5000 hours after there is no protection of the green hand, that is, if you are 5001 points, even if the points are a million points can also be people of God to attack you, followed the rankings, ahead of the figure are representative of the number of players, behind the figure that you are the first of several.
Seven, architecture description (click to view)
Eight, study shows (click to view)
9, shipyards Description (click to view)
Ten, defense Help (click to view)
Defense facilities in the early minutes after 5000 may be easily destroyed.
5000 points after the break, there is substantial fleet capacity dispatched players abound, the initial defense facilities would not be sufficient to provide protection. Another defense facilities may also be interstellar missile destroyed, resist the interplanetary missiles Ways to use the interceptor missile. Details can be fighting simulator calculation, remember to consider science and technology.
But defense can only be a slight anti-attack, if their own resources only stars, but also regular transport resources back home stars, this planet does not need too much defense, but still need a small amount of defensive anti-小狼, perhaps one day you look production, not to destroy the other side would be so defensive you are zoned to the good, the defense just too many big wolf vent Boring object Recycling passing the ruins of the battlefield; study class are defensive manner to protect the fleet (FleetSave, FS) .
Generally speaking, the fortifications at the situation of near collapse of the system will automatically turn off in order to have the opportunity to repair. At the end of the fighting, after the defense facilities have been destroyed there is 70% chance of being repaired.
Defense facilities, the advantages and disadvantages:
The same resources defense could destroy the same resources Fleet
Fleet costs are normally lethal defense are the same twice
Defense has 70% of repair
Lack of mobility
When the defense was the destruction, the ruins of the universe will not have the advantage of an attacker can not be recovered, the downside is that the defenders can not Recycling
11, Fleet
Building before you have the Fleet shipyard, the more advanced the shipyards can build ships have more time to upgrade the shipyard should not shipbuilding, shipbuilding at the shipyards can not upgrade only one of the same make.
Vessel manufacturing time required:
[(Cost gold + crystal) / 5000] * [2 / (shipyards +1)] * Nano-mechanical power plant lv 0.5
Fleet can be made after the selection mission (aggressive behavior, please carefully), at the main menu - Fleet, you will see now in flight Fleet, Fleet planet species, issued at the ship you want to send the next input quantity, according to continue, you will see Fleet menu.
1. Goals
Hair into the goal, it can be planets, TF (the ruins of the battlefield), the moon.
2. Speed
Fleet flight efficiency, the lower the% more slowly, relative to use of fuel is also less.
3. Distance
Starting point and the target distance.
4. Time
Flight Time (one way).
5. Fuel consumption
Heavy hydrogen consumption. Flying in the universe, the one-way only once to speed up navigation, a deceleration. There back and forth twice to speed up, slow down twice. Fuel at the time you start (once to speed up), according to the return journey (first acceleration, a deceleration), arrival time (deceleration time) spent. There is no way to recall the ship because you have the rest of the heavy hydrogen left.
6. Maximum speed
Fleet speed, mixed-fleet, then on the slowest of a ship.
7. Loading
The journey used to load fuel, transportation, snatch goods.
8. Shortcuts
Own planet, click on the automatic input coordinates. 3-7 over the importation of the target coordinates, speed, and will be automatically calculated, according to La to continue to proceed, you will see the determined information.
Bahamut by coastm91159 AT
Fleet → adjust to start to continue → → quantity adjust the solar system, planet number, speed ┐
┌ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ─ ┘
├ → target selection "planet"
│ ↓
│ ┬ → continue the offensive to continue → → (start to attack)
│ ├ → Transport → Traffic → continue to adjust → (start delivery)
│ ├ → → spies continue → (go start detection)
│ ├ → Colonial → continue → (start to colonial planet)
│ └ → → adjust to send traffic (can be filled or not filled) → continue → start unilateral transport (or garrison)
│ ※ spy spy satellites can be.
│ ※ planet are sending each other colonial stars you can.
│ ※ colonial colonial spacecraft are to be.
├ → target selection "battlefield ruins" → continue → Recycling → continue → (start pick up space debris)
│ ※ Only the ruins of the battlefield "Ship Recycling useful"
└ → target selection, "the moon" → (Please know the board of Friends of the moon to add)
One can begin to see star map planet which belongs behind a player's name has (i) or (iI), and on behalf of him two weeks (i) or 4 weeks (iI) there is no on-line La, usually green hand area (just off should be relatively new in the solar system) i have opened the account are not long lost on the non-playing, and can be robbed, but careful not to over-attack.
If sent Fleet encountered multiple warnings! Fleet could not be sent to the players! That you and each other's IP the same, could not be sent.
Twelve, green hand protection
5000 points the following players can not attack points for their own more than five times, one-fifth of the following players, nor can it be to attack these players.
Thirteen, a radius of
Is the radius of the planet may be the number of building construction. Upgrade a Level every building, the building will be more than one area of accounting. Technology, fleet, defense (including missiles) have not accounted for radius. Parent stars are for a radius of 163, according to the size of the colonial stars probability distribution.
Radius of the calculation: (planet diameter / 1000) 2. Radius of the moon can be used with this algorithm.
Fourteen points
Increased consumption of resources per 1000 total score one point, fuel, unless the galaxy browser.
Level increase in a research study 1:00 pm, an increase in ship 1:00 pm Fleet.
Fleet or the eradication of defense facilities will be clawing back the losses equivalent to the structural sub-units of the total score.
Statistics at server time 00:00, 08:00 and 16:00 updates.
15, Fleet protection (FleetSave, FS)
As the name suggests, FleetSave Fleet is to protect the meaning of green hand are ways to protect themselves. Since the addition of new players can not resist a powerful fleet, so at the time of attack, instead of thinking about how to resist each other's offensive, it is better to consider how to protect their own resources and the Fleet. This is also when you are not online when the fleet was not to ensure their own way to destroy others.
Under normal circumstances, when their own planet under attack, the planet on shipyard to produce all necessary things (defense, ships, satellites) will be involved in the fighting. However, in a powerful enemy fleet, the lack of quantity or types of small ship will not be able to avoid being destroyed. FleetSave the first definition is to allow these fragile Fleet leave before the arrival of the enemy. After the ship left the planet because it will not be able to attack in the state, apart from being second to recover, the absolute security.
In addition, in order to protect their own resources (and not let the enemy steal resources), it is necessary to minimize the planet's resources will be loaded up in the Fleet, with the fleet to leave, and will adjust for the efficiency of raw materials to produce 0%.
Let Fleet left the commonly used method has the following:
1. Let "spy satellites" to follow the fleet to non-defense "planet", you can select "espionage" mission, so that the other side of the planet Fleet arrive after carrying back the original resources. This method is probably necessary to take into account the fleet was found and the risk of fighting with each other.
2. So that "skimmers" to follow the fleet to the "battlefield ruins", you can select "recovery" mission, so the fleet can arrive carrying the original TF resources and "battlefield ruins" back.
3. Let Fleet went to the Friend of the "planet" to "transport" mission.
4. To allow the fleet to their own "planet" to "transport" or "colonial" mission.
5. To allow the fleet to go to non-defense and not on line a long time, "planet" to "attack", so as to get some resources go home.
Fleet departure rate can be adjusted to control the round-trip time, of course, you can also half-way point of the Fleet called back. More slowly, "heavy hydrogen" consume less.
FleetSave apart from being attacked as a contingency measure, but also can be used as not online at the time of preventive measures. In this this case, the resources do not yield adjusted to 0%, as long as the fleet and resources at the mobile can be interstellar. Fleet dispatched same method as described above can be adjusted by the rate, so that the next fleet in their own back on line.
by darkmiz
Peacetime are robbing their own people, but when there is a day than you have strong people how to play when you do?
If you are online, to see someone hit you and you fail to grasp the victory is coming at him when, a few steps to do the following actions:
First of all the resources spent on building and technology, as can be canceled, the resources will come back to add. But not to put money in shipyard or defense, because the construction of these can not be canceled. If resources have left in him before the arrival of 12 minutes to turn off the electricity generation market to make sure resources are no longer produced. And let all the fleet on the planet with all the resources to flee the scene, which would allow him to grab a share of zero resources. Over at him after the Fleet put them back, power generation market opened, the abolition of Architecture and Technology, you can put all resources to restore. Remember to send the fleet away from you when the election of the recent "Planet" or "the ruins of the battlefield" and the speed to 10%, to save fuel.
When you are not online, how to ensure that their fleet was not to destroy other people do?
Fleet moving will not be playing. So sleep at night or when not online, let the fleet to leave the planet. If the fleet has "Ship Recycling", so that your fleet with all the resources to the vicinity of "the ruins of the battlefield" and "recovery" mission. If the fleet has "spy satellite", to send the fleet to the detection probability of 0% (usually there is no defense idle planet) to "spy" mission. Adjust the speed to allow the use of one-way flight time are you off around half the time, so when you line up again when the fleet just to come back with all the resources.
16, the galaxy that
Games in the left menu of the "Milky Way" can be used to watch the Milky Way an overview of ten take a look heavy hydrogen.
No. First of all, note the significance of the planet:
Each person has a set of planet number [A: BBB: CC], A representative of the galaxy number, from 1 ~ 9, BBB representatives of the solar system number, from 1 ~ 499, CC number on behalf of the planet, from 1 ~ 15.
Strength of the player (s), strength of the weak players (n): a lot of trust on behalf of people were of the opinion that on-line rate, but in fact are not. Strength of the player (s), strength of the weak players (n) represents the green hand protection can not be based on the attack or the object of espionage. If you are green hand protection (5000 points), the points you score five times more than the players, show (s), are strong players. Points lower than the fraction 1 / 5 of the players, show (n), the players are weak in strength. Idle for too long account (iI) from the green hand protection restrictions.
Holiday mode (u): once at least two days, this period can log in, but should not do anything, others you should not attack or exploration. Could be terminated after two days of vacation mode, if ignored will continue to maintain the vacation mode. Vacation mode, only the basic value of resource production Metal 20 Crystal 10. Vacation mode for at least 48 hours, that is, after 48 hours you can be canceled, and holidays you can not move, there is no output. Please note that while you opened after the holidays, they should not hit you, but On the road or the Fleet to fight, but also because you can not vacation FS. Even if there is at Fleet Beat you on the road, you can also open vacation. Holiday player will be displayed as (u).
Planet numbered side of the letter:
T: battlefield ruins, the wreckage of the fleet, move the cursor a few seconds can be seen above the amount of resources, use recycled shipping can be achieved.
M: the moon, the fighting has generated substantial wreckage likely trip into the moon, 100,000 resources has 1% chance, up to 20%. Move the mouse on the moon, we can see S on behalf of the size, T on behalf of the temperature.
A: The planet was destroyed just been abandoned colonial stars, will disappear within two days.
R: space jump door, there is room for both of the moon jump door allows Fleet moment for mobile, please refer to the moon related to architecture description.
*: On behalf of the fleet has moves, or be attacked by spyware balance.
Player next to the names in the letters:
i or i I: Idle planet, i on behalf of the people for a week of no action (21 fraction no action update), i I on behalf of the four people did not worship the action.
g: be punished planet
s: strong players
n: strength of weak players
u: Holiday mode
Were destroyed planet: the representative of the colonial masters of the planet put on this planet to give up two days or so no one will become the location of the blank.
Action: The probe launch: the launch of spy satellites, the default quantity can be at the "Settings" to adjust.
Writing News: sending SMS, in fact can only write in 250 characters (500 characters), excess will be truncated.
Friends asked: can you please add each other as friends, mutual friends set up the other people can see online status, limit the list of 20 people.
30min? Sometimes behind the planet will show time, that on behalf of the planet the last player from now on-line time. If there is non of the players sent to the planet Fleet activities, but will also show the time. Apart from friends or allies, you are unable to know whether the other party online.
The collection of intelligence: on the planet want to know can get the intelligence to launch spy satellites. Able amount of information gathered depends on the technology gap between the two sides of espionage and spy quantity. Defense means that the probability of detecting spyware spyware was found because the chances are forced to battle. When the other side of the planet has to stay at Fleet, spyware was found to improve the chances will increase. Do not spy any other planet, unless you want to attack him. Spy will be unfamiliar to most players have seen as hostile acts.
Spyware detection formula:
K = spy spy technology both quantity + bad ^ Level 2 (Level probably bad for the negative)
K> = 1 shows that resources
K> = 2 we can see Fleet
K> = 3 shows that defense
K> = 5 can be seen building
K> = 7 visible research
17, the colonial
Each solar system has 15 planets, the planet means that no one can be used as the object of colonization. Colonization is a necessary condition to have the colonial spacecraft, the spacecraft will be sent to the colonial selected coordinates the implementation of the "colonial" mission can be. Spacecraft on the colonial mind not to bring any resources, because the success of post-colonial colonial bring resources together with the spacecraft will disappear. A player can have the greatest nine stars, including stars and a mother of eight colonial stars.
Colonial stars to give up / renamed
In the planet overview page click on the name of the planet can be abandoned or renamed planet. Abandon the planet, the planet should not have fleet activity, nor are studying or building. Planet to give up after the destruction of the planet to exist in the form of two days, may be their spies or offensive. During this period there is still the role of defense facilities, were destroyed planet of resources will not continue to increase. Colonial stars to give up again immediately after colonization, the same location of the colonial have to wait until the destruction of the planet disappeared.
Property distribution of planet
Parent stars are the size of the rate of one a radius of 163, the colonial stars may have different changes. Usually number 4 ~ 9 planet for a higher probability of a larger planet, while the greater the number the lower the temperature of the planet. High temperature so that solar power satellites to increase the energy generated, low weight hydrogen production, nuclear fusion power plants to reduce the volume of consumption of heavy hydrogen.
Planet the size of the list (note the size distribution are listed in 60% probability):
Position 1: The average radius: 64, has 60% chance of a radius of between 48-80 between the
Location 2: The average radius: 68, has 60% chance of a radius of between 53-83 between the
Position 3: The average radius: 73, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 54-82
Location 4: The average radius: 173, has 60% chance of a radius of between 108-238 between the
Location 5: The average radius: 167, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 95-239
Location 6: The average radius: 155, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 82-228
Location 7: The average radius: 144, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 116-173
Location 8: The average radius: 150, has 60% chance of a radius of between 123-177 between the
Location 9: The average radius: 159, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 129-188
Position 10: average radius: 101, has 60% chance of a radius of between 79-122 between the
Position 11: average radius: 98, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 81-116
Position 12: average radius: 105, has 60% chance of a radius of between 85-129 between
Position 13: average radius: 110, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 60-160
Position 14: average radius: 84, has 60% of the probability range between a radius of 42-126
Position 15: average radius: 101, has 60% chance of a radius of between 54-149 between the
The size of the colonial stars
The number of stars the size of the colonial want it enough? This depends on your current target.
If you are just beginning the development of colonial Units spacecraft that are very precious, you can slowly building to yield nine planets are full of, and resources earn back, and then decide not to want to destroy the planet.
For the development of medium-term period, most of them based on resource requirements to select the size of the planet to all-round development of the planet would choose a radius of more than 170 would be enough, but if you are developing a single resource, such as heavy hydrogen field, you do not need it Great. If it is distance independent planet, it is also recommended at a radius of more than 170 would have been better.
The latter is based on the strategic needs of the colonial planet, select the size, look how many of their own planning to build facilities to select the size.
The functions of the colonial stars
Some people often ask, let me colonial stars which good? There is no answer to this question, everyone has their own preferences, but also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Someone enjoy exclusive a solar system, so easy to mobilize resources with the fleet, can you completely exposed colonial stars give opponents know; also likes someone diaspora, the advantages and disadvantages of Dr just another opposite; or can compromise between the two is also good.
Of aggression-type player is worth noting that there is another way to do this is to remain a star Forever space, used to do a springboard for attacks, is scheduled to be a long time to find the target of attack at the target near the colonial, and then put star the current line of bases, hit and run to some extent.
1. Resources stars: Resources stars can choose to sing at the vicinity of the mother.
2. Rear: rear chose the Milky Way at the rear, most of them are inter-galactic. But also specifically to kill someone rear.
3. Springboard attacks: a springboard to attack the fleet chose to target the planet near the main building are mainly of heavy hydrogen, is also possible the construction of the fleet in situ.
4. The second parent star: the location of the mother sing well, another place.
18, miscellaneous
Will be destroyed only Fleet and defense, building and will not be destroyed and will not被灭States, but may be fixed to do not want to play.
The field of scientific research are shared with the colonial parent stars, but the robot factory and shipyard did not share.
Resources, plant or power plant building, please place on their own to the raw materials by twice. Changes in production efficiency but also by twice the time. System, stupid, and sometimes does not on its own calculation.
Any person as long as you send the fleet to the planet, you will be able to know immediately. Want to know each other's fleet composition required a degree of spy technology, spy detailed technical description.
Increase in computer technology are at the same time to send the "fleet" quantity. Be able to dispatch a single fleet of "spaceships" quantity or all of Fleet did not limit the total number of spacecraft.
Spacecraft or the structure of defense facilities. Structural sub-units on behalf of the production quantity of the metal crystal add an additional sub-structure of one-tenth of the unit value of the basic armor.
Nineteen, was played how do
Must first recognize each other is.
If the allies are, the letter can give him, and in general are probably mistakes. Ordinary people, then, first of all, hair letter asked him to withdraw moderate. Usually do not retire, but you did not damage it. Or tell him, at you online, you did not hit a bad idea, because you will escape.
And to make sure that, you attack or not attack him.
If it is pure transport ships, then a simple defense can be successful with the Fleet to resist each other. Of course, in general consider the other side are calculated after the win will only be sent to the fleet to attack you. If you find that you arrive in the fleet during this period, covering defense and the fleet can successfully repel each other, it can try.
Otherwise, it is necessary to protect the other grabbed Fleet 0 resources.
First of all, you put the resources and research point to the building goes on, these resources after the abolition of you will be fully back. Then put the remaining resources to carry on board all vessels. If you do too many resources, and that heavy hydrogen, crystal, metal, precious follow the extent of (production energy) onto a ship. So, all the remaining points to cover defense. And turn off the power so that output is 0. Fleet over so that he can only get a little bit of resources. Remember, unless you are very busy, otherwise, try to arrive at a time when the fleet faster to do these things. And wait until after the attack fleet put them back, power on the computer.
Do not have me continue to produce open or not to move the resources are not spent on board, at least half of the mind can retain. Since tasted the sweetness of each other as long as, it will come back! You must want to reduce each other's profits do.
Twenty, rapid firing RF (Click to view)
The twenty-first, what is the recovery of second
Second to recover, some people would say second to recover. If the second someone chasing you, then you will see this: you send the fleet at X when the second back to Planet X. The enemy's fleet in the Fleet you arrive a few seconds after the hit on you. The purpose of him you are the fleet, sent to the troops so often powerful. The arrival time so that you could not deal with action, and no way FS.
Why so? Endemic to build on the moon because the above things called Phalanx sensors, he can explore a range of movement of the fleet, including fleet arrival time. And count him a good time to go to send the fleet, just before you came back a few seconds Fleet Get your planet!
In addition, some people do not the moon, he can make use of your technology, fleet composition, with the planet's distance-based Fleet go home time. (This is usually happen at you when to send troops to play a planet)
How to avoid induction want Phalanx do?
Fleet has three Phalanx sensors can not see:
1. To send the fleet to carry out "colonial" mission, and then called back.
2. From the moon to the "ruins of the battlefield"
3. From the moon to the moon
22, the moon, Phalanx sensors, space jump door
1. What is the moon? How to get me one?
The moon is a planet in your orbit satellites, you can not be a colonial out the moon, the only way out is that you have a battle on the planet. 100.000 units each around the wreckage, you can have 1% chance of a moon have, and can only have 20% chance. And it is not cumulative. Each generated by the end of the fighting at that battle wreckage only go after the calculation. Moon is an automatically generated, you will be fighting at the end of the report to see the results:
Have substantial mutual attraction of metal and crystal aggregation and form a moon shape.
Now is your moon, he is directly formed.
2. Spaces are how the moon work?
First start a lunar radius of only one. Each of the construction of a lunar base, you can get extra 3 radius. (Although you can use a radius of only 2, because you have to go the construction of a space under a lunar base.) Can be constructed Maximum space is calculated: (moon size / 1000) 2 (rounded down to the nearest decimal point), it is Say, the moon the size divided by 1000, then square.
3. Me at the moon above can be done?
Robot can be created on the Moon Factory (go back assist to build up larger building), shipyard (which is very useful for the defense is concerned, should not interplanetary missiles are launched on the moon), metal, crystal, deuterium storage sites (at present these the moon does not help), the moon base (to help you to provide more space for the moon, in front of explained), only two have built the facilities at the Moon: Phalanx sensors and space jump door.
4. Phalanx sensors are what, how it work?
Sensor Phalanx a permit you can go to scan within the scope of any planet (range is [(Sensor Phalanx Level) 2 - 1] of the solar system). When you scan a planet, there will be a pop-up window to tell you to go to heart of all the planet's fleet, as well as the planet from the heart of the Fleet sent. Overview page and on our planet, as will show precise arrival time, as well as the composition of the fleet. The advantage of a player you can scan the planet, you see the job go to send the fleet, the Fleet at him then you go home after the Fleet's arrival after two seconds. This means that he can confirm to you the destruction of the fleet. That is why at Phalanx sensors within the scope of the fleet are very fatal. Sensor Phalanx scans once required expensive heavy hydrogen 5000.
5. How I escaped from the threat of induction Phalanx?
At present, the only Phalanx sensors can not see is the mission at both the object should not move between scans. He should not scan the object is the moon and interplanetary debris. So the only safe FleetSave, is from a lunar to a interstellar debris, or from a moon of a moon. This is why everyone always put him to send the fleet on the moon - very safe because there will not be scanned to. When people with Phalanx sensors scan you when you are not receive any message, and someone you do not know whether or not you re-scan.
6. Spaces are doing jumping the door?
Jump only the construction of a store at the moon high above the building. You need at least two space jump door, only way to make him useful. (Also on behalf of, and required both the moon.) And you can be pleased with you to send any number of the fleet (although the exception of resources), at two in the mobile space jump door, every 60 minutes can be the first time. And there is no need to spend resources. Jump door delivery is immediate. You can only send their fleets through its own door two space jump.
7. The moon why do so surprising?
TU, the moon will allow you to attack other people of the fleet, even if he had to do FleetSave, and let others see you hit the fleet (so you can make good FleetSave), and you can save resources - because the moon does not have the resources quarry , there is no storage limit of the problem, you can pile up at the moon you extra resources, but you can mine at planet is pleased to continue to produce.
8. The moon could destroy it?
Yes, the moon can be destroyed, but only the Death Star could destroy him, but it is very dangerous and difficult. Death Star to destroy the chances of the Moon are:
(100 - √ Moon size) * (√ stars die quantity)
But at the same time, the Death Star and all the fleet together with the past was the destruction of the probability is:
(√ Moon size) / 2
When the moon is destroyed, all the fleet to the moon will turn to the planet the past. In the past, if the moon were destroyed, you will be the same as a new planet. This bug has been fixed, so if you have the moon was destroyed, you can be recycled one.
9. How to decide the size of the moon?
The size of the moon are random. However, if the moon was the construction of the probability that there is 20%, heart of the moon at least 8000 kilometers in diameter size, this size will be difficult to die to upset the moon stars.
10. I can have more than one moon吗? It useful?
Can, of course, but can not be a planet at the same both on the Moon, especially at different inter-galactic moon, is a bar - you can have both the construction of sensors Phalanx, so you can scan both have the scope, and construction at the space between them jump door - Ship Recycling at both the Milky Way if the inter-to 100% of the speed of movement, will spend 10 hours as well as the 1500's heavy hydrogen, and the jump door can help you to do so quickly and for free movement of .
11. Moon was manufactured after the wreckage of what will happen over there?
When a moon was manufactured after drifting at the track on the wreckage is still in full existence, waiting for you to recovery. I do not know how he do, this is only a game.
12. When I put the mouse to move to the Star Map on the moon, the above figure represent?
S, represents the size of the moon's diameter. T, while the moon represents the lowest temperature (currently useless)?
Can help build on, but the ruins of the battlefield can only be made by the disadvantaged Fleet side (that is easy to lose that side) of the recovery. However, However, to recover their own losses are not part of the problem.
Made 20% month, the ruins of 2000000 required to Dayun per 12,000 units, but only 30% of the formation of the ruins, so only 12,000 * 0.3 = 3600 units shipped 2000000/3600 = 556 NTU.
23, the energy selection
ogame has three types of energy sources:
1. Solar energy power plants (referred to as too much electricity)
2. Nuclear fusion power plants (referred to as nuclear power)
3. Solar power satellites (referred to as Tai Wei)
These three energy, under normal circumstances the order should be: 1> 2> 3
In other words, should the early Ethernet as the backbone to the development of electricity, too electric to around 17 or so there will be a high threshold of resources, when we consider nuclear power in support of its shortcomings. Tai Wei does not recommend the use of stars in the mother, the reasons for the latter.
There was nothing to talk too much electricity, and we again want to say is that nuclear power and the Guardian too. This is both the efficiency of energy production is closely linked with the temperature.
Nuclear power plants are heavy hydrogen consumption to produce electricity, first of all, we have a few points must be noted:
High-temperature planet, hydrogen production in the lower weight. Power consumption of heavy hydrogen amount is relatively small.
Low-temperature planet, re-higher yield of hydrogen. Power consumption of heavy hydrogen was also more.
If encountered in the development of medium-term energy crisis, which could be considered for one or two to build a nuclear power plant temporarily hold you, but you want to measure their own weight of hydrogen production plants, although not put the emphasis on the production of hydrogen are finished, but you want a little balance between production, re-production of hydrogen is a very precious few resources. Also, please remember to adjust raw materials, where the percentage of nuclear power plant, if too much electricity or go after the nuclear power plant could be temporarily transferred to 0% waste savings deuterium.
Generally speaking, the proposed nuclear power plant 3 is enough, nuclear power is not suitable as a main power plant, his role is to assist the electricity too, too much make up for lack of electricity. Of course, someone rushed into the teeth 6, but not very recommended that, to a degree, the pursuit of high-grade building is not much significance should then start to accelerate the colonization, to get more space and production capacity. Wait until the backbone of a good economy as a whole, and then come back to upgrade the high-grade building one by one.
The Guardian too time and place of use must have no parent stars, if the shortage of energy can also be slightly too small amount of production to make up for The Guardian, but The Guardian would be too much affected by the attack when he was wiped out, so the risk was high. The use of too much too Wei Wei must first understand the power formula: The most high-temperature / 4 +20, Tai Wei cost: 0/2000/500
If we say that the energy shortage because too Wei launch, there is no use to look too Wei survival time, the event very unfortunate hair up at the cost of recovery was not wiped out, then of course the loss; but if exist a long time, and costs are to fight ping even earn, of course, it is very cost-effective manner.
The Guardian too has the risk of the use is in nature, in the latter half of development, if you colonial planet remote enough, but may consider using the Guardian too冲高plant resources, and other resources adequate electricity and then back to upgrade too. But the remote planet of its resources is not easy with the parent stars, or other colonial circulation, thus enabling us to measure the consumption may be crystals, at the same time remember not to rely too much on too Wei generation, the basic backbone of electricity is still too want to upgrade.
In addition, Wei too have another mode of development. Guardian because of the generating capacity is too limited to temperature, and therefore to the people especially the colonial one ~ on the 3rd planet, although the yield to the table the probability is high, but too much power The Guardian also an exceptionally strong (too Wei generating a maximum of 50 each), can be as a single resource (metal or crystal) of origin.
Want to use too Wei perhaps before be sure to calculate the power output, so as not to waste resources less than the value of auxiliary production.
24, combat report
Report can tell you fighting about?
Weapons: 80% protective shield: 80% Shell: 80%: 8 protective shield weapons express 8 shell 8, will directly affect the values behind
219 missile destroyers 14 battleships, fired a total of 352 times: 352-219-14 times that there is one of the RF
The total strength of 633,600 energy: that in this 352 times the energy weapon attack
Defense shield absorbs 13581 damage points:? ?
25, how to replace the skin
1. First of all, advanced to the "Settings" then (at left).
2. And then to "General Settings" then the "appearance of the path (such as: C: / ogame / pictures /)", click "download"
3. Go to enjoy your own appearance. Then download it, on their own computers.
4. Decompress after the place where to look, like I was on the D worse. And you look at the appearance of download file name is.
5. Such as the file name is reloaded, then in the "appearance of the path (such as: C: / ogame / pictures /)" behind the space,
6. Enter D: / reloaded / formate, press "OK."
7. Then, after the removal of formate, and then an "OK."
8. Note: At this point, "the appearance of the path (such as: C: / ogame / pictures /)" box should be D: / reloaded /
9. Finally, click your browser's "Refresh" on the list.
PS. The default value is
Can also use another way for Skin, directly from the Internet on a link:
1. Put the skin path that column D swap
2. Press the Change
3. At the bottom there will be one path to another box
4. Direct election at which you just want the SKIN.
5. Remember the press after the election to change yo
OGame - 新手教程
如果是准备进入宇宙1,那么先点选 U1 注册,信箱要写收的到信的,因为里面会有密码;用户名要找个不会跟别人重复的名字,也是不能有英文跟特殊符号。接着勾选同意一般条款,点选注册后,就可以去信箱收信了。注意,有些邮箱可能收不到信,这时候可以换一种邮箱试试看。
你和平不代表不会有人打你,但至少不容易结怨。 如果大家认可你的中立,被骚扰的机会自然低。 和平的另一个考虑是控制积分不太容易超过5000分。
只有上线率非常高的人才能成为无往不利的星际海盗。 干净利落的抢劫资源与建设,能使自己快速成长,同时成为明显目标。 这样的玩家需要有老鹰的眼睛,运用舰队保护在强敌环伺下累积武力,直到能与军事武力强大的玩家抗衡。
这类玩家是贪婪且缺乏耐心的,控派舰队出门搜括。 伴随舰队而来的是积分累积与强大的敌人。 而此类玩家又没有能力应付日渐强大的对手,久之必成为哀怨的羊骨头。
我只有说三种,但是多出来的第四种却不能不提,就是分身。 虽然分身能够使自己发展地强大而且迅速,但是这里的玩家们应该很明白这是不被鼓励的行为。 如果看到分身,请用力打爆他,直到他不想玩为止。
一开始先发展「金属矿」、「晶体矿」、「太阳能发电厂」,十级开始发展「重氢分离器」。资源充足后可以考虑建造「轻型雷射炮」,大约十座以下即可。接着继 续发展资源并发展「殖民飞船」,殖民后则发展「大型运输机」。 殖民前最好询问老手的意见,因为殖民星的运用方式每个人都不同。「计算机技术」是重要的,它影响能够同时派遣的舰队数量。注意,殖民前要将资源盖到几级并 没有固定的标准,以个人需要而定。
第一件事发展的是建筑所有的动作必须花费资源(「金属」、「晶体」、「重氢」),资源的生产包括基本的(每星球每小时20金10晶) 和资源厂的产量,资源厂的生产必须要能量支持,不够电的话,生产就不会有100%,升再高的资源厂也是枉然,建筑花费的金属 : 晶体大概是 2:1 到 3:1,不过同级的「金属矿」产量比「晶体矿」多,升级「晶体矿」也要比较多资源。
一开始先建「太阳能发电厂」一级,然后开始盖「金属厂」、「晶体厂」,「金属厂」大概要比「晶体厂」高个2级,建筑用的资源就平衡了,注意电量,不够电的 话就盖电厂,或是把其中一个厂的效成调低 (旁边的%) 让另一个维持高功率,这要看你当时缺哪种资源,不够能量,产量会降低。
到一定的程度就可以盖「重氢同步分离器」,建议是在「太阳能发电厂」10级之后才考虑重氢厂,这是舰队的燃料,也是研究必须的, 等级5开始可以建「核融合发电厂」,这东西依靠消耗重氢来发电,「核融合电厂」会消耗「重氢」,经过计算,它的最大效能依然略小于「太阳能发电厂」, 「重氢」消耗随温度提高而减少,但在高温星球盖「核融合发电厂」是不划算的,因为「重氢同步分离器」也会随高温而减少,「核融合发电厂」的应用为能量不足 时之临时处置,例如「金属矿」或「晶体矿」刚生没资源升「太阳能电厂」时, 「核融合发电厂」能补充临时短缺的能量直到「太阳能发电厂」升级为止。
储存器是用来储存资源,星球上的资源多过存量的话,会变成红字,这时星球将不会在生产该项资源,直到你有足够的空间存放。不过一开始的默认值每个储存器都 有 100k,也就是10万的储存量,对刚开始的新手而言是很足够的。如果是从外面运来的资源超过储存量不会因此而消失,只是会变成红字。
最左上方有宇宙X(V x .xx) 。 宇宙X:这代表你所在的服务器地址,X如果是1就是宇宙一。 (V x.xx):这代表目前的游戏版本,在这篇文章发表的时候是(V 0.76)。
中间上方会有一张图片,旁边还有XXXXXXXX〔O:OOO:OO〕 。图片是你星球的外观, XXXXXXXXXX则是你星球的名字,〔O:OOO:OO〕则是你星球在这个宇宙的地址。第一组数字是银河系,第二组数字是太阳系,第三个数字是第几行 星。举例而言〔3:223:11〕 ,表示这颗星球是第三银河系第两百二十三太阳系的第十一行星。每个宇宙有九个银河、每个银河有四百九十九个太阳系、每个太阳系有十五个行星。旁边还有一个 向下的箭头,那是以后你有殖民地之后可以迅速在不同星球之间切换的工具。

右上方则会有四张图片 图片下面有「金属」,「晶体」,「重氢」,「能量」 , 这些是代表你这一颗星球的大概状况,前面三者是资源,其中「金属矿」跟「晶体矿」每颗星球都会有基本生产值20跟10,「重氢」在初期并不会生产,必须建 筑「重氢分离器」之后才能生产,能量则是「金属矿」,「晶体矿」,「重氢同步分离器」三种建筑物所必须,建造「太阳能发电厂」,「核融合发电厂」,「太阳 能卫星」都会产生能量, 不过能量是固定的,不像资源会随着时间的变化而增加。
2.建筑 more...
调整生产机构的运作功率。当建造完「太阳能发电厂」跟基本经济建筑或是发射「太阳能卫星」之后,可以到这个页面来按下右下方的〔计算〕来重新计算资源产量 跟能源总和, 这边所表示的只是一个直式的加减计算式而已,从最上方开始进行计算,算到最后总和就是你目前每小时可以获得的资源量。此处的「太阳能卫星」显示是有问题 的,虽然表面上都是 50,但是当你按下计算的时候,就会显示正确的发电量。
4.研究 more...
研究新科技和提升科技等级,研究须要有「研究实验室」,研究的项目会让你有更强的舰队、防御、可以发更多的船、拥有间谍的能力, 「研究实验室」的等级影响可以研发的项目和研究速度。
5.造船厂 more...
制造舰队,需要先盖「飞船制造厂」,盖「飞船制造厂」必须先建「机械人工厂」等级2。「飞船制造厂」的等级影响可以制造的项目和制造速度。 一旦开始建造船舰或防御将无法取消,这样子保护自己的资源才不会太方便。
9.防御 more...
联盟能给你的实质帮助不多,但在大部分的联盟保护下,只要联盟的力量不是太弱,在初期可以避免许多人看你没有联盟保护而直接攻击你,最少会考虑攻击你后, 是否会挑起联盟战争,因为大多数的联盟都有许多的互不侵犯条约和同盟国。再者,联盟是一个提供共同战友的管道,如果有人跟你有相同的目标,可以协同攻击。 如果盟友有月球又有感应阵,可以帮你进行追秒。或者当你遭受巨大的攻击要重建时,可以根据例外条款给予援助,但你必须跟你的盟友建立良好的关系。
如果有人资助的话,飞船厂 1200,360,600,小运 2600,1800,2700,间谍 2800,5000,1600,总共 6600,7160,4900;先把上面三个盖起来后,靠吃小羊在初期会混的比较快。
到Ogame的官方论坛去, 那里主要是投诉或是申请开战、共享ip等与gm相关的事务。
查看积分排名, 分为联盟 / 玩家 的 总分 / 舰队分 / 研究分 (联盟会多一个平均分per成员)。 * 表示平盘、+ 或 - 表示名次的变动。
搜索玩家、星球、联盟、联盟简称 (不一定要全名)
搜索星球会看到星球坐标、所属玩家id 、联盟、排名
游戏帮助 (德文)
与玩家间的信息、游戏情报。新的按钮"回报?"出现在新闻里,它只出现在别人发给你的新闻下方,而它的功用是把污辱讯息回报给GO,举一个例子,当你收到别人寄给你新闻含有侮辱内容时,你就可以使用回报功能能回报给GO。 太空控制 战斗报告 [5:31:8] (V:0,A:1000) 其中的 V 是指防御方,A 是指攻击方,后方的数字代表着损失的资源量。
可以记下心得,笔记的内容限制为 5000 字符内。
更改数据,IP-check关掉就不会再出现因为不同ip关系叫你重新登入的情况; 间谍数是指你在星图点眼睛放间谍,自动选择的卫星数,要有足够的卫星在家; 假期模式,开一次两天,这段期间可以登入,但是不能做任何事,别人也不能攻击或探查你,期间资源生产只有基本的每小时20金10晶。
注销 (其实关掉bowser就可以 )
最上方会有〔星球”XXXXXXX”(XXXXXXX)〕 前面是这颗星球的名字,后面则是统治这颗星球的玩家的名字。点选此处的星球名称可以更改殖民地的名称或是放弃。
再来下面有〔服务器时间 WWW MMM DD HH:MM:SS〕, WWW表示今天是星期几,MMM则是表示月份,DD则是表示日期,后面三者则是表示目前的时间,不过不是以台湾的时间为准,而是有七个小时的时差,在你有 新的新闻的时候,服务器时间的上方会出现〔你有N条新消息〕。
下面有一栏〔事件〕 目前你这一栏下面应该就是你星球的图片,在你派遣舰队外出跟有人派遣舰队来你的星球的时候,下面都会有时间表示该事件发生的时间。
星球的图片,是随机选择的 ,总共有124张。
星球图的右侧目前都是空白的 ,当你有殖民地的时候右侧就会出现你殖民地的星球图 ,右侧星球图的上方是该星球的名字 ,一般都是〔殖民〕,右侧星球图的下方是目前该星球的建筑状况 ,如果该星球没有在建筑或是升级建筑的时候就会写〔闲置〕 ,有的话就会写正在建筑或是升级的建筑名称。
直径XXXXX公里(XXX/XXX方圆),直径会影响到方圆,而方圆就是建筑物等级的总和上限,直径越小方圆也越小,反之亦然,而方圆左侧的数字是你目 前建筑物等级的总和,右侧则是上限值,假设目前是(12/30方圆),而你的建筑物有金属矿四级,晶体矿四级,太阳能发电厂四级,总和是12方圆,假设你 没有建造其它建筑物的意愿,只要升级这三种建筑就好,那你最多只能建到金属矿十级,晶体矿十级,太阳能发电厂十级,总和是30方圆。
温度 大约 XX°C 到 XX°C ,温度会影响到的有两项 ,一个是重氢同步分离器的重氢产量 ,温度越低重氢产量越高 ,一个是太阳能卫星的发电量 (温度/4+20),温度越高太阳能卫星的发电量越高 。
位置 X:XXX:XX,前面已经说明过了。位置会影响直径和温度。
积分 XX (排名 XXXX 人中 XXXX名) ,积分是关系到有哪一些人会来攻击你以及哪些人你可以攻击 ,可以攻击你的人同样的你也可以攻击他 ,而这些人必须是你积分的五倍或是五分之一 ,在这个范围之外的则你无法攻击到他他也无法攻击到你 ,这就是新手保护,但是在积分超过5000分之后就没有新手保护了 ,也就是如果你的积分是5001,即使是积分一百万分的神人也可以来攻击你 ,后面的排名,前面的数字是代表有多少玩家,后面的数字是表示你第几名。
积分破5000后,有能力出动大量舰队的玩家比比皆是,初期的防御设施将不足以提供保护。 另外防御设施也可能被星际导弹摧毁,抵制星际导弹的方法为使用拦截导弹。详细情形可以用战斗仿真器计算,记得考虑科技。
但是防御只能防轻微的攻击,如果本身只是资源星,而且又经常的运输资源回母星,这种星球不需要太多的防守,但是仍然需要些微的防守防小狼,大概看你一天的 生产量,不要让对方觉得摧毁你的防御是划的来的就好了,防御太多也只是大狼无聊发泄的对象,顺便回收战场废墟;究级的防守方式是舰队保护 (FleetSave, FS)。
防御有 70% 修复
建设你的舰队前必须有造船厂,越高级的船厂可以造的船也越多, 升级船厂时不能造船,造船时也不能升级船厂,只能做其中一样。
[ (花费金+晶) / 5000 ] * [ 2 / ( 船厂+1) ] * 纳米机械厂lv的0.5次方
舰队造出来以后就可以选择任务 (攻击行为请慎思), 点主选单 - 舰队,就会看到现在飞行中的舰队、星球上的舰队种数, 在想要发出的舰船旁输入要发出的数量,按继续, 就会看到舰队选单。
重氢消耗。在宇宙中飞行,单程航行只有一次加速,一次减速。 来回就有两次加速,两次减速。 燃料在你出发时(一次加速),按回程时(一次加速,一次减速),到达时(一次减速)花光了。因此并不会因为你中途召回船舰而有剩余的重氢留下。
自己的星球,点一下就自动输入坐标。 以上3-7 输入了目标坐标、速度后就会自动计算, 按继续就出发啰,会看到确定后的资料。
by coastm91159 AT 巴哈姆特
│ ↓
│ 继续┬→进攻→继续→(开始前往攻击)
│ ├→运输→调整运输量→继续→(开始运送)
│ ├→间谍→继续→(开始去探测)
│ ├→殖民→继续→(开始前往殖民星球)
│ └→派遣→调整运输量(可填或不填)→继续→开始单方面运输(或守备)
一开始可以看看星图哪些星球所属玩家的名字后面有 (i) 或是 (iI) 的, 代表他2星期 (i) 或4星期 (iI) 没有上线啰, 通常新手区 (刚开帐时应该都在比较新的太阳系) 有 i 的大都是开帐没多久就丢着不玩的, 可以随意抢,但是小心不要 过度攻击。
如果发送舰队时遇到 多重警告! 舰队无法发送到玩家!,表示你和对方的 IP 相同,无法发送。
方圆的计算:(星球直径 / 1000)2。月球可用方圆也同此算法。
统计资料会在服务器时间的00:00, 08:00 和 16:00更新。
十五、舰队保护(FleetSave, FS)
一般情况下,当自己的星球遭受攻击时,星球上所有需要造船厂才能生产的东西(防御、舰艇、卫星)都会参与战斗。然而在强大的敌方舰队下,数量不足或弱小的 舰种将无法避免被摧毁的命运。 FleetSave的第一个定义就是让这些脆弱的舰队在敌人到来前离开。因舰船离开星球后就会处于无法攻击的状态,除了被追秒外,绝对安全。
1. 让「间谍卫星」跟随舰队前往无防御的「星球」,就可以选择「间谍」任务,如此一来舰队到达对方的星球后可以载着原有的资源返回。这个方法需要考虑到舰队可能被发现而与对方战斗的风险。
2. 让「回收船」跟随舰队前往「战场废墟」,就可以选择「回收」任务,如此一来舰队到达TF后可以载着原有的资源及「战场废墟」返回。
3. 让舰队前往到朋友的「星球」进行「运输」任务。
4. 让舰队前往自己的「星球」进行「运输」或「殖民」任务。
5. 让舰队前往前往无防御且久没上线的「星球」进行「攻击」,顺便抢一些资源回家。
by darkmiz
如果你在在线,看到有人来打你而你没有把握获胜,在他快到的时候, 做下列几步动作:
首先把资源花在建筑和科技上,因为之后可以取消,资源会加回来。 但是不要把钱存在造船厂或防御,因为这些不能取消建造。如果资源还有剩, 在他到达的前一两分钟把发电场电力关掉,使资源不再生产。 然后让全部舰队带着星球上的全部资源逃离现场,这会让他抢到零资源。 在他打完之后,把舰队叫回来,发电场打开,取消建筑和科技,可以把资源全部还原。 记得在派出舰队时选离你最近的「星球」或「战场废墟」,而且速度调到10%,这样可以省燃料。
移动中的舰队不会被打。所以晚上睡觉或不在在线的时候,要让舰队离开星球。 若舰队中有「回收船」,让你的舰队带着所有资源到附近的「战场废墟」,进行「回收」的任务。 若舰队中有「间谍卫星」,派舰队到被探测机率0% (通常是无防御的闲置星球) 进行「间谍」任务。 利用调整飞行速度让单程时间大约是你下线时间的一半,如此一来当你再次上线的时候, 舰队刚好带着所有资源回来。
每个人的星球都有一组编号[A:BBB:CC], A代表银河系编号,从1~9,BBB代表太阳系编号,从1~499,CC代表星球编号,从1~15。
实力强的玩家(s)、实力弱的玩家(n): 相信很多人都认为这代表上线率,但其实并不是。 实力强的玩家(s)、实力弱的玩家(n)都代表基于新手保护无法进攻或间谍的对象。 如果你在新手保护(积分5000)内,积分超过你分数五倍的玩家,显示(s) ,是实力强的玩家。 积分低于分数1/5的玩家,显示(n),是实力弱的玩家。 闲置过久的账号(iI)不受新手保护限制。
假期模式(u): 开一次至少两天,这段期间可以登入,但是不能做任何事,别人也不能攻击或探查你。 两天过后可以终止假期模式,若置之不理则继续维持假期模式。 假期模式中资源产量只有基本值金属20晶体10。 假期模式至少48小时,也就是48小时后你才能取消,而假期内你也不能动作,没有产量。 请注意,虽然你开了假期后,对方不能打你, 但是已经在路上的舰队还是打的到的,而且你还会因为假期而不能FS。就算有舰队在打你的路上,你也可以开假期。 假期的玩家会显示为(u)。
M:月球,战斗产生的大量残骸有机率行成月球,10万资源有1%机率,最高到20%。鼠标移到月球上,可以看到 S 代表大小,T 代表温度。
i 或 i I:闲置星球,i 代表此人一个礼拜没动作了(21次更新分数没动作),i I代表此人四个礼拜没动作了。
30min? 有时候星球的后面会显示时间,那代表该星球的玩家上次上线距离现在的时间。如果有非该玩家派遣的舰队到该星球活动,也会显示时间。除了好友或同盟,你是无法知道对方是否在线的。
搜集情报:对想了解的星球发射间谍卫星可以获得情报。能够搜集到的情报多寡取决于双方的间谍技术差距与间谍数量。防御间谍探测的机率意味着间谍因为被发现 而被迫战斗的机率。当对方的星球有舰队停留时,间谍被发现的机率将随之提高。请勿任意间谍别人的星球,除非你要攻击他。间谍会被大多数陌生的玩家视为有敌 意的行为。
K = 间谍数量 + 双方间谍技术等级差 ^ 2 (等级差可能为负数)
K >= 1 可见资源
K >= 2 可见舰队
K >= 3 可见防御
K >= 5 可见建筑
K >= 7 可见研究
每个太阳系都有15颗行星,无人的星球意味着可作为殖民的对象。殖民的必要条件是要拥有殖民飞船,将殖民飞船派往选定的坐标执行「殖民」任务即可。切记殖 民飞船上不要携带任何资源,因为殖民成功后殖民飞船连同携带的资源都会消失。一个玩家最大可以拥有九颗星,包含一颗母星和八颗殖民星。
在该星球的概况页点击星球名称可进行星球放弃或改名。放弃星球时,该星球不能有舰队活动,也不能正在研究或建筑。星球放弃后会以被摧毁的星球形式存在两 天,可对其间谍或进攻。这段期间防御设施依然有作用,被摧毁的星球资源不会继续增加。殖民星放弃后可立刻再进行殖民,同一位置的殖民须等到被摧毁的星球消 失。
母星的大小一率是163方圆,殖民星则可能有不同的变化。 通常编号4~9的星球为较大星球的机率较高,同时编号愈大的星球温度愈低。高温使太阳能卫星产生的能量增加、重氢产量变低、核融合发电厂消耗重氢量降低。
位置 1: 平均方圆: 64, 有 60% 的机率介于 48 到 80 方圆之间
位置 2: 平均方圆: 68, 有 60% 的机率介于 53 到 83 方圆之间
位置 3: 平均方圆: 73, 有 60% 的机率介于 54 到 82 方圆之间
位置 4: 平均方圆: 173, 有 60% 的机率介于 108 到 238 方圆之间
位置 5: 平均方圆: 167, 有 60% 的机率介于 95 到 239 方圆之间
位置 6: 平均方圆: 155, 有 60% 的机率介于 82 到 228 方圆之间
位置 7: 平均方圆: 144, 有 60% 的机率介于 116 到 173 方圆之间
位置 8: 平均方圆: 150, 有 60% 的机率介于 123 到 177 方圆之间
位置 9: 平均方圆: 159, 有 60% 的机率介于 129 到 188 方圆之间
位置10: 平均方圆: 101, 有 60% 的机率介于 79 到 122 方圆之间
位置11: 平均方圆: 98, 有 60% 的机率介于 81 到 116 方圆之间
位置12: 平均方圆: 105, 有 60% 的机率介于 85 到 129 方圆之间
位置13: 平均方圆: 110, 有 60% 的机率介于 60 到 160 方圆之间
位置14: 平均方圆: 84, 有 60% 的机率介于 42 到 126 方圆之间
位置15: 平均方圆: 101, 有 60% 的机率介于 54 到 149 方圆之间
殖民星大小要多少才足够呢? 这要看你目前的目标。
中期为发展期,大多会根据资源需求来选择星球大小,以全方位发展的星球会选择 170 方圆以上的会比较足够,但是如果是只发展单一项资源,像是重氢场,则不需要那么大。如果是距离远的独立星球,也建议在 170 方圆以上会比较好。
1. 资源星:资源星可以选择在母星附近。
2. 大后方:大后方则选择在后方银河系,大多都是跨银河。但是也有人专杀大后方。
3. 攻击跳板:舰队攻击跳板则选择目标星球附近,建筑主要是重氢为主,也可能就地建造舰队。
4. 第二母星:母星的位置不好,换个地方。
如果是盟友,发一封信件给他就可以了,一般来说可能是误击。 一般人的话,首先发一封信件,温和的请他退兵。通常是不会退的,不过这对你没损失。 或者告诉他,你在在线,打你没好处,因为你会逃掉。
如果是纯运输舰来,那简单的防御跟舰队都可以成功抵挡对方。 当然,一般而言对方都是计算过后认为能赢才会派舰队来打你。 如果你发现,你在舰队到达这段时间,盖好防御与舰队可以成功击退对方,那可以试试。
首先把你的资源往建筑与研究点下去,这些资源在你取消后会完全回来。 然后把剩下的资源搬运上船,所有的船。 如果你资源太多,那以重氢、晶体、金属,照着贵重程度(生产所需能源)搬上船。 可以的话,剩下的都点去盖防御。 然后把电源关掉,让产量为0。这样他舰队过来只能抢到一点点资源。 记住,除非你很忙,否则尽量在舰队快到达的时候做这些事情。 然后等到攻击过后把舰队叫回来,电源打开。
千万不要有我开着继续生产或是不把搬不上船的资源用掉,至少可以保留一半的想法。 因为对方只要尝到了甜头,就会再来! 你一定要降低对方的获利才行。
追秒,有些人会讲秒追。如果有人追秒你,那你会看到这样的情况: 你派出的舰队在 X 时 X 秒回到星球。 敌方的舰队却在你舰队到达后几秒钟就来打你。 他的目的是你的舰队,所以派出来的部队通常都很强大。 而到达时间则让你来不及处理动作,而没办法FS。
为什么会这样子?因为有种盖在月球上面的东西叫感应密集阵,他可以探知某一范围内的舰队移动情况,包括舰队到达的时间。 然后他算好时间把舰队派出去,刚好在你舰队回来后几秒钟到达你的星球!
另外,有些人没有月球,他可以利用你的科技、舰队组成、跟星球的距离计算舰队回家的时间。 (这通常是发生在你派兵去打某个星球时)
1. 派遣舰队去执行「殖民」任务,然后叫回来。
2. 从月球到「战场废墟」
3. 从月球到月球
1. 月球是什么?我要怎么得到一颗?
月球是一颗在你星球轨道的卫星,你无法殖民出一颗月球,唯一的方法,就是在你星球上产生一场战斗。 大约每100.000单位的残骸,你可以有1%的机会产生一颗月球,而最多只能有20%的机率。而且这是不能累计的。每一次战斗结束所产生的残骸只在那次 战斗后计算下去。月球是自动产生的,你会在战斗结束后的报告中看到结果:
2. 月球空间是怎么运作的?
一颗月球一开始只有 1 方圆。每建造一个月球基地,你可以得到额外的 3 方圆。(不过你能用的只有 2 方圆 ,因为你还要一个空间去建造下一个月球基地。)可以建造的空间的最大值是这样计算: (月球大小/1000)2 (小数点舍去),也就说,月球大小除以1000,然后平方。
月球上可以制造机器人工厂(帮助后面去建造更大建筑),造船厂(这对防御来说很有用,星际导弹是不能 对月球发射的),金属、晶体、重氢储存场(目前这些对月球毫无帮助),月球基地(帮助你提供更多的月 球空间,前面解释过了),还有两个只能建在月球的设施:感应密集阵和空间跳跃门。
一个感应密集阵允许你可以去扫瞄范围内的任何星球(范围是 [(感应密集阵等级)2 - 1 ] 个太阳系)。当你扫瞄一个星球时,会有一个弹出的窗口告诉你所有要去那颗星球的舰队,以及从那颗星球派出的舰队。和我们星球概况页面一样,会显示精确的到 达时间,以及舰队的组成。这个好处在于,一个玩家可以扫瞄你的星球,看到你的派出去工作的舰队,然后他的舰队在你舰队回家后两秒后到达。这表示说,他可以 确定摧毁到你的舰队。这就是为什么在感应密集阵范围内的舰队是十分的致命的。感应密集阵扫瞄一次,需要耗费 5000 重氢。
5. 那我如何逃离感应密集阵的威胁?
目前,唯一感应密集阵所不能看到的任务就是在两个不能扫瞄的物体间移动。他所不能扫瞄的物体就是月球和星际残骸。所以唯一安全的 FleetSave,就是从一个月球到一个星际残骸,或是从一个月球到一个月球。这也是为什么大家总是把他的舰队派在月球上 - 因为在那里很安全,不会被扫瞄到。当别人用感应密集阵扫瞄你时,你是收不到任何讯息的,你不会知道有人是否再扫瞄你。
6. 空间跳跃门是干什么的?
空间跳跃门市一个只能建造在月球上面的昂贵建筑。你至少需要两个空间跳跃门,才可以让他有用。(也代表着,需要两个月球。)然后你可以随你高兴派遣任何数 量的舰队(不过资源例外),在两个空间跳跃门中移动,每六十分钟可以派一次。而且不需要花费资源。空间跳跃门的传送是立即的。你只能派遣自己的舰队通过自 己的两个空间跳跃门。
7. 月球为什么这么令人惊奇呢?
恩,月球可以让你攻击其它人的舰队,即使他做了 FleetSave,而且让别人打不到你的舰队(让你可以做良好的 FleetSave),而且可以储存你的资源 - 因为月球没有资源矿场,所以没有储存上限的问题,你可以在月球堆积你额外的资源,而你在星球的矿场可以高兴地继续生产。
8. 月球可以摧毁吗?
(100 - √月球大小 ) * ( √死星数量 )
( √月球大小 )/2
当月球被摧毁时,所有往月球的舰队将掉头往星球过去。在以前,如果月球被摧毁,你会得到一颗新的相同的星球。这个 bug 已经修正了,所以如果你的月球被摧毁了,你可以再造一个来。
9. 月球大小如何决定的?
月球大小是随机的。然而,如果当时建造月球的机率有到20%,那颗月球至少会有直径 8000 公里的大小,这种大小将另死星难以破坏这个月球。
10. 我可以有一个以上的月球吗?那有用吗?
当然可以,但是不可能在同一颗星球上两个月球,尤其是在不同银河间的月球,是相当棒的 - 你可以都两个建造感应密集阵,让你有两个可以扫瞄的范围,而且建造在它们之间的空间跳跃门 -回收船如果在两个银河系间以100%的速度移动,将花费 10 小时以及 1500 的重氢,而空间跳跃门可以帮助你做这样快速而免费的移动。
11. 月球被制造以后,残骸那边会怎么样?
12. 当我把鼠标移动到星际地图上的月球时,上面的数字代表什么?
20%造月,需要 2,000,000 的废墟,以大运每台 12,000 单位,但是只有 30% 形成废墟,所以只有 12,000*0.3=3,600 单位,2,000,000/3,600=556台大运。
1. 太阳能发电厂(简称太电)
2. 核融合发电厂(简称核电)
3. 太阳能卫星(简称太卫)
如果发展中期遇到能源危机,是可以考虑盖个一或二级的核电厂暂时撑一下,但要衡量一下自身重氢厂的产量,虽然说不至于把生产的重氢都吃光,但产量要稍微兼 顾一下,重氢是非常珍贵产量又少的资源。另外,请记得去原料那里调整核电厂的百分比,如果太电升上去后,核电可以暂时调到0%节省重氢浪费。
一般来说,建议核电厂3级就够了,核电并不适合当做主力发电厂,他的角色是辅助太电、弥补太电之不足。当然也有人咬着牙冲上6级,但不是非常建议如此,发 展到一个程度后,追求高等级建筑并无太大意义,这时应该开始加速殖民,获得更多的空间与产能。等到整体经济骨干打好后,再回过头来逐一提升高等级建筑。
太卫使用的时机与地点均无一定,母星如果能量有些许短缺亦可生产少量太卫去补足,但太卫会在受攻击时被打掉,因此风险颇高。 使用太卫必须先了解太卫的发电公式:最高温/4+20、太卫的成本为:0/2000/500
武器: 80% 防护盾: 80% 外壳: 80%:表示武器8 防护盾8 外壳8,会直接影响后面的数值
战列舰219 导弹舰14,总共射击了 352 次:表示其中有 352-219-14 次的RF
总强度为 633600 的能量:表示在这 352 次攻击中的武器能量
防御盾吸收了 13581 伤害点数:??
1. 首先,先进到〝设置〞那(在左手边)。
2. 再到〝一般设置〞那的「外观路径 (如: C:/ogame/pictures/)」,按一下〝下载〞
3. 去找一下自己喜欢的外观。然后下载下来,放在自己的计算机内。
4. 解压缩后,看要放那里,像我是放在D糟。然后看一下你下载的外观档名是什么。
5. 如檔名是reloaded,那就在「外观路径 (如:C:/ogame/pictures/)」后面的空格,
6. 输入D:/reloaded/formate后,按〝确定〞。
7. 然后,将后面的formate去掉,再按一次〝确定〞。
8. 注:此时「外观路径 (如: C:/ogame/pictures/)」的空格内应该是D:/reloaded/
9. 最后,按一下浏览器的〝重新整理〞就行了。
PS. 默认值是
也可以用另外一种换 Skin 的方式,直接自Internet上连结:
1. 把皮肤路径那栏全部D掉
2. 按下更改
3. 在路径底下就会出现一另一个框
4. 直接在里面选你要的SKIN就好噜
5. 选完后记得按下更改哟
如果是准备进入宇宙1,那么先点选 U1 注册,信箱要写收的到信的,因为里面会有密码;用户名要找个不会跟别人重复的名字,也是不能有英文跟特殊符号。接着勾选同意一般条款,点选注册后,就可以去信箱收信了。注意,有些邮箱可能收不到信,这时候可以换一种邮箱试试看。
你和平不代表不会有人打你,但至少不容易结怨。 如果大家认可你的中立,被骚扰的机会自然低。 和平的另一个考虑是控制积分不太容易超过5000分。
只有上线率非常高的人才能成为无往不利的星际海盗。 干净利落的抢劫资源与建设,能使自己快速成长,同时成为明显目标。 这样的玩家需要有老鹰的眼睛,运用舰队保护在强敌环伺下累积武力,直到能与军事武力强大的玩家抗衡。
这类玩家是贪婪且缺乏耐心的,控派舰队出门搜括。 伴随舰队而来的是积分累积与强大的敌人。 而此类玩家又没有能力应付日渐强大的对手,久之必成为哀怨的羊骨头。
我只有说三种,但是多出来的第四种却不能不提,就是分身。 虽然分身能够使自己发展地强大而且迅速,但是这里的玩家们应该很明白这是不被鼓励的行为。 如果看到分身,请用力打爆他,直到他不想玩为止。
一开始先发展「金属矿」、「晶体矿」、「太阳能发电厂」,十级开始发展「重氢分离器」。资源充足后可以考虑建造「轻型雷射炮」,大约十座以下即可。接着继 续发展资源并发展「殖民飞船」,殖民后则发展「大型运输机」。 殖民前最好询问老手的意见,因为殖民星的运用方式每个人都不同。「计算机技术」是重要的,它影响能够同时派遣的舰队数量。注意,殖民前要将资源盖到几级并 没有固定的标准,以个人需要而定。
第一件事发展的是建筑所有的动作必须花费资源(「金属」、「晶体」、「重氢」),资源的生产包括基本的(每星球每小时20金10晶) 和资源厂的产量,资源厂的生产必须要能量支持,不够电的话,生产就不会有100%,升再高的资源厂也是枉然,建筑花费的金属 : 晶体大概是 2:1 到 3:1,不过同级的「金属矿」产量比「晶体矿」多,升级「晶体矿」也要比较多资源。
一开始先建「太阳能发电厂」一级,然后开始盖「金属厂」、「晶体厂」,「金属厂」大概要比「晶体厂」高个2级,建筑用的资源就平衡了,注意电量,不够电的 话就盖电厂,或是把其中一个厂的效成调低 (旁边的%) 让另一个维持高功率,这要看你当时缺哪种资源,不够能量,产量会降低。
到一定的程度就可以盖「重氢同步分离器」,建议是在「太阳能发电厂」10级之后才考虑重氢厂,这是舰队的燃料,也是研究必须的, 等级5开始可以建「核融合发电厂」,这东西依靠消耗重氢来发电,「核融合电厂」会消耗「重氢」,经过计算,它的最大效能依然略小于「太阳能发电厂」, 「重氢」消耗随温度提高而减少,但在高温星球盖「核融合发电厂」是不划算的,因为「重氢同步分离器」也会随高温而减少,「核融合发电厂」的应用为能量不足 时之临时处置,例如「金属矿」或「晶体矿」刚生没资源升「太阳能电厂」时, 「核融合发电厂」能补充临时短缺的能量直到「太阳能发电厂」升级为止。
储存器是用来储存资源,星球上的资源多过存量的话,会变成红字,这时星球将不会在生产该项资源,直到你有足够的空间存放。不过一开始的默认值每个储存器都 有 100k,也就是10万的储存量,对刚开始的新手而言是很足够的。如果是从外面运来的资源超过储存量不会因此而消失,只是会变成红字。
最左上方有宇宙X(V x .xx) 。 宇宙X:这代表你所在的服务器地址,X如果是1就是宇宙一。 (V x.xx):这代表目前的游戏版本,在这篇文章发表的时候是(V 0.76)。
中间上方会有一张图片,旁边还有XXXXXXXX〔O:OOO:OO〕 。图片是你星球的外观, XXXXXXXXXX则是你星球的名字,〔O:OOO:OO〕则是你星球在这个宇宙的地址。第一组数字是银河系,第二组数字是太阳系,第三个数字是第几行 星。举例而言〔3:223:11〕 ,表示这颗星球是第三银河系第两百二十三太阳系的第十一行星。每个宇宙有九个银河、每个银河有四百九十九个太阳系、每个太阳系有十五个行星。旁边还有一个 向下的箭头,那是以后你有殖民地之后可以迅速在不同星球之间切换的工具。

右上方则会有四张图片 图片下面有「金属」,「晶体」,「重氢」,「能量」 , 这些是代表你这一颗星球的大概状况,前面三者是资源,其中「金属矿」跟「晶体矿」每颗星球都会有基本生产值20跟10,「重氢」在初期并不会生产,必须建 筑「重氢分离器」之后才能生产,能量则是「金属矿」,「晶体矿」,「重氢同步分离器」三种建筑物所必须,建造「太阳能发电厂」,「核融合发电厂」,「太阳 能卫星」都会产生能量, 不过能量是固定的,不像资源会随着时间的变化而增加。
2.建筑 more...
调整生产机构的运作功率。当建造完「太阳能发电厂」跟基本经济建筑或是发射「太阳能卫星」之后,可以到这个页面来按下右下方的〔计算〕来重新计算资源产量 跟能源总和, 这边所表示的只是一个直式的加减计算式而已,从最上方开始进行计算,算到最后总和就是你目前每小时可以获得的资源量。此处的「太阳能卫星」显示是有问题 的,虽然表面上都是 50,但是当你按下计算的时候,就会显示正确的发电量。
4.研究 more...
研究新科技和提升科技等级,研究须要有「研究实验室」,研究的项目会让你有更强的舰队、防御、可以发更多的船、拥有间谍的能力, 「研究实验室」的等级影响可以研发的项目和研究速度。
5.造船厂 more...
制造舰队,需要先盖「飞船制造厂」,盖「飞船制造厂」必须先建「机械人工厂」等级2。「飞船制造厂」的等级影响可以制造的项目和制造速度。 一旦开始建造船舰或防御将无法取消,这样子保护自己的资源才不会太方便。
9.防御 more...
联盟能给你的实质帮助不多,但在大部分的联盟保护下,只要联盟的力量不是太弱,在初期可以避免许多人看你没有联盟保护而直接攻击你,最少会考虑攻击你后, 是否会挑起联盟战争,因为大多数的联盟都有许多的互不侵犯条约和同盟国。再者,联盟是一个提供共同战友的管道,如果有人跟你有相同的目标,可以协同攻击。 如果盟友有月球又有感应阵,可以帮你进行追秒。或者当你遭受巨大的攻击要重建时,可以根据例外条款给予援助,但你必须跟你的盟友建立良好的关系。
如果有人资助的话,飞船厂 1200,360,600,小运 2600,1800,2700,间谍 2800,5000,1600,总共 6600,7160,4900;先把上面三个盖起来后,靠吃小羊在初期会混的比较快。
到Ogame的官方论坛去, 那里主要是投诉或是申请开战、共享ip等与gm相关的事务。
查看积分排名, 分为联盟 / 玩家 的 总分 / 舰队分 / 研究分 (联盟会多一个平均分per成员)。 * 表示平盘、+ 或 - 表示名次的变动。
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搜索星球会看到星球坐标、所属玩家id 、联盟、排名
游戏帮助 (德文)
与玩家间的信息、游戏情报。新的按钮"回报?"出现在新闻里,它只出现在别人发给你的新闻下方,而它的功用是把污辱讯息回报给GO,举一个例子,当你收到别人寄给你新闻含有侮辱内容时,你就可以使用回报功能能回报给GO。 太空控制 战斗报告 [5:31:8] (V:0,A:1000) 其中的 V 是指防御方,A 是指攻击方,后方的数字代表着损失的资源量。
可以记下心得,笔记的内容限制为 5000 字符内。
更改数据,IP-check关掉就不会再出现因为不同ip关系叫你重新登入的情况; 间谍数是指你在星图点眼睛放间谍,自动选择的卫星数,要有足够的卫星在家; 假期模式,开一次两天,这段期间可以登入,但是不能做任何事,别人也不能攻击或探查你,期间资源生产只有基本的每小时20金10晶。
注销 (其实关掉bowser就可以 )
最上方会有〔星球”XXXXXXX”(XXXXXXX)〕 前面是这颗星球的名字,后面则是统治这颗星球的玩家的名字。点选此处的星球名称可以更改殖民地的名称或是放弃。
再来下面有〔服务器时间 WWW MMM DD HH:MM:SS〕, WWW表示今天是星期几,MMM则是表示月份,DD则是表示日期,后面三者则是表示目前的时间,不过不是以台湾的时间为准,而是有七个小时的时差,在你有 新的新闻的时候,服务器时间的上方会出现〔你有N条新消息〕。
下面有一栏〔事件〕 目前你这一栏下面应该就是你星球的图片,在你派遣舰队外出跟有人派遣舰队来你的星球的时候,下面都会有时间表示该事件发生的时间。
星球的图片,是随机选择的 ,总共有124张。
星球图的右侧目前都是空白的 ,当你有殖民地的时候右侧就会出现你殖民地的星球图 ,右侧星球图的上方是该星球的名字 ,一般都是〔殖民〕,右侧星球图的下方是目前该星球的建筑状况 ,如果该星球没有在建筑或是升级建筑的时候就会写〔闲置〕 ,有的话就会写正在建筑或是升级的建筑名称。
直径XXXXX公里(XXX/XXX方圆),直径会影响到方圆,而方圆就是建筑物等级的总和上限,直径越小方圆也越小,反之亦然,而方圆左侧的数字是你目 前建筑物等级的总和,右侧则是上限值,假设目前是(12/30方圆),而你的建筑物有金属矿四级,晶体矿四级,太阳能发电厂四级,总和是12方圆,假设你 没有建造其它建筑物的意愿,只要升级这三种建筑就好,那你最多只能建到金属矿十级,晶体矿十级,太阳能发电厂十级,总和是30方圆。
温度 大约 XX°C 到 XX°C ,温度会影响到的有两项 ,一个是重氢同步分离器的重氢产量 ,温度越低重氢产量越高 ,一个是太阳能卫星的发电量 (温度/4+20),温度越高太阳能卫星的发电量越高 。
位置 X:XXX:XX,前面已经说明过了。位置会影响直径和温度。
积分 XX (排名 XXXX 人中 XXXX名) ,积分是关系到有哪一些人会来攻击你以及哪些人你可以攻击 ,可以攻击你的人同样的你也可以攻击他 ,而这些人必须是你积分的五倍或是五分之一 ,在这个范围之外的则你无法攻击到他他也无法攻击到你 ,这就是新手保护,但是在积分超过5000分之后就没有新手保护了 ,也就是如果你的积分是5001,即使是积分一百万分的神人也可以来攻击你 ,后面的排名,前面的数字是代表有多少玩家,后面的数字是表示你第几名。
积分破5000后,有能力出动大量舰队的玩家比比皆是,初期的防御设施将不足以提供保护。 另外防御设施也可能被星际导弹摧毁,抵制星际导弹的方法为使用拦截导弹。详细情形可以用战斗仿真器计算,记得考虑科技。
但是防御只能防轻微的攻击,如果本身只是资源星,而且又经常的运输资源回母星,这种星球不需要太多的防守,但是仍然需要些微的防守防小狼,大概看你一天的 生产量,不要让对方觉得摧毁你的防御是划的来的就好了,防御太多也只是大狼无聊发泄的对象,顺便回收战场废墟;究级的防守方式是舰队保护 (FleetSave, FS)。
防御有 70% 修复
建设你的舰队前必须有造船厂,越高级的船厂可以造的船也越多, 升级船厂时不能造船,造船时也不能升级船厂,只能做其中一样。
[ (花费金+晶) / 5000 ] * [ 2 / ( 船厂+1) ] * 纳米机械厂lv的0.5次方
舰队造出来以后就可以选择任务 (攻击行为请慎思), 点主选单 - 舰队,就会看到现在飞行中的舰队、星球上的舰队种数, 在想要发出的舰船旁输入要发出的数量,按继续, 就会看到舰队选单。
重氢消耗。在宇宙中飞行,单程航行只有一次加速,一次减速。 来回就有两次加速,两次减速。 燃料在你出发时(一次加速),按回程时(一次加速,一次减速),到达时(一次减速)花光了。因此并不会因为你中途召回船舰而有剩余的重氢留下。
自己的星球,点一下就自动输入坐标。 以上3-7 输入了目标坐标、速度后就会自动计算, 按继续就出发啰,会看到确定后的资料。
by coastm91159 AT 巴哈姆特
│ ↓
│ 继续┬→进攻→继续→(开始前往攻击)
│ ├→运输→调整运输量→继续→(开始运送)
│ ├→间谍→继续→(开始去探测)
│ ├→殖民→继续→(开始前往殖民星球)
│ └→派遣→调整运输量(可填或不填)→继续→开始单方面运输(或守备)
一开始可以看看星图哪些星球所属玩家的名字后面有 (i) 或是 (iI) 的, 代表他2星期 (i) 或4星期 (iI) 没有上线啰, 通常新手区 (刚开帐时应该都在比较新的太阳系) 有 i 的大都是开帐没多久就丢着不玩的, 可以随意抢,但是小心不要 过度攻击。
如果发送舰队时遇到 多重警告! 舰队无法发送到玩家!,表示你和对方的 IP 相同,无法发送。
方圆的计算:(星球直径 / 1000)2。月球可用方圆也同此算法。
统计资料会在服务器时间的00:00, 08:00 和 16:00更新。
十五、舰队保护(FleetSave, FS)
一般情况下,当自己的星球遭受攻击时,星球上所有需要造船厂才能生产的东西(防御、舰艇、卫星)都会参与战斗。然而在强大的敌方舰队下,数量不足或弱小的 舰种将无法避免被摧毁的命运。 FleetSave的第一个定义就是让这些脆弱的舰队在敌人到来前离开。因舰船离开星球后就会处于无法攻击的状态,除了被追秒外,绝对安全。
1. 让「间谍卫星」跟随舰队前往无防御的「星球」,就可以选择「间谍」任务,如此一来舰队到达对方的星球后可以载着原有的资源返回。这个方法需要考虑到舰队可能被发现而与对方战斗的风险。
2. 让「回收船」跟随舰队前往「战场废墟」,就可以选择「回收」任务,如此一来舰队到达TF后可以载着原有的资源及「战场废墟」返回。
3. 让舰队前往到朋友的「星球」进行「运输」任务。
4. 让舰队前往自己的「星球」进行「运输」或「殖民」任务。
5. 让舰队前往前往无防御且久没上线的「星球」进行「攻击」,顺便抢一些资源回家。
by darkmiz
如果你在在线,看到有人来打你而你没有把握获胜,在他快到的时候, 做下列几步动作:
首先把资源花在建筑和科技上,因为之后可以取消,资源会加回来。 但是不要把钱存在造船厂或防御,因为这些不能取消建造。如果资源还有剩, 在他到达的前一两分钟把发电场电力关掉,使资源不再生产。 然后让全部舰队带着星球上的全部资源逃离现场,这会让他抢到零资源。 在他打完之后,把舰队叫回来,发电场打开,取消建筑和科技,可以把资源全部还原。 记得在派出舰队时选离你最近的「星球」或「战场废墟」,而且速度调到10%,这样可以省燃料。
移动中的舰队不会被打。所以晚上睡觉或不在在线的时候,要让舰队离开星球。 若舰队中有「回收船」,让你的舰队带着所有资源到附近的「战场废墟」,进行「回收」的任务。 若舰队中有「间谍卫星」,派舰队到被探测机率0% (通常是无防御的闲置星球) 进行「间谍」任务。 利用调整飞行速度让单程时间大约是你下线时间的一半,如此一来当你再次上线的时候, 舰队刚好带着所有资源回来。
每个人的星球都有一组编号[A:BBB:CC], A代表银河系编号,从1~9,BBB代表太阳系编号,从1~499,CC代表星球编号,从1~15。
实力强的玩家(s)、实力弱的玩家(n): 相信很多人都认为这代表上线率,但其实并不是。 实力强的玩家(s)、实力弱的玩家(n)都代表基于新手保护无法进攻或间谍的对象。 如果你在新手保护(积分5000)内,积分超过你分数五倍的玩家,显示(s) ,是实力强的玩家。 积分低于分数1/5的玩家,显示(n),是实力弱的玩家。 闲置过久的账号(iI)不受新手保护限制。
假期模式(u): 开一次至少两天,这段期间可以登入,但是不能做任何事,别人也不能攻击或探查你。 两天过后可以终止假期模式,若置之不理则继续维持假期模式。 假期模式中资源产量只有基本值金属20晶体10。 假期模式至少48小时,也就是48小时后你才能取消,而假期内你也不能动作,没有产量。 请注意,虽然你开了假期后,对方不能打你, 但是已经在路上的舰队还是打的到的,而且你还会因为假期而不能FS。就算有舰队在打你的路上,你也可以开假期。 假期的玩家会显示为(u)。
M:月球,战斗产生的大量残骸有机率行成月球,10万资源有1%机率,最高到20%。鼠标移到月球上,可以看到 S 代表大小,T 代表温度。
i 或 i I:闲置星球,i 代表此人一个礼拜没动作了(21次更新分数没动作),i I代表此人四个礼拜没动作了。
30min? 有时候星球的后面会显示时间,那代表该星球的玩家上次上线距离现在的时间。如果有非该玩家派遣的舰队到该星球活动,也会显示时间。除了好友或同盟,你是无法知道对方是否在线的。
搜集情报:对想了解的星球发射间谍卫星可以获得情报。能够搜集到的情报多寡取决于双方的间谍技术差距与间谍数量。防御间谍探测的机率意味着间谍因为被发现 而被迫战斗的机率。当对方的星球有舰队停留时,间谍被发现的机率将随之提高。请勿任意间谍别人的星球,除非你要攻击他。间谍会被大多数陌生的玩家视为有敌 意的行为。
K = 间谍数量 + 双方间谍技术等级差 ^ 2 (等级差可能为负数)
K >= 1 可见资源
K >= 2 可见舰队
K >= 3 可见防御
K >= 5 可见建筑
K >= 7 可见研究
每个太阳系都有15颗行星,无人的星球意味着可作为殖民的对象。殖民的必要条件是要拥有殖民飞船,将殖民飞船派往选定的坐标执行「殖民」任务即可。切记殖 民飞船上不要携带任何资源,因为殖民成功后殖民飞船连同携带的资源都会消失。一个玩家最大可以拥有九颗星,包含一颗母星和八颗殖民星。
在该星球的概况页点击星球名称可进行星球放弃或改名。放弃星球时,该星球不能有舰队活动,也不能正在研究或建筑。星球放弃后会以被摧毁的星球形式存在两 天,可对其间谍或进攻。这段期间防御设施依然有作用,被摧毁的星球资源不会继续增加。殖民星放弃后可立刻再进行殖民,同一位置的殖民须等到被摧毁的星球消 失。
母星的大小一率是163方圆,殖民星则可能有不同的变化。 通常编号4~9的星球为较大星球的机率较高,同时编号愈大的星球温度愈低。高温使太阳能卫星产生的能量增加、重氢产量变低、核融合发电厂消耗重氢量降低。
位置 1: 平均方圆: 64, 有 60% 的机率介于 48 到 80 方圆之间
位置 2: 平均方圆: 68, 有 60% 的机率介于 53 到 83 方圆之间
位置 3: 平均方圆: 73, 有 60% 的机率介于 54 到 82 方圆之间
位置 4: 平均方圆: 173, 有 60% 的机率介于 108 到 238 方圆之间
位置 5: 平均方圆: 167, 有 60% 的机率介于 95 到 239 方圆之间
位置 6: 平均方圆: 155, 有 60% 的机率介于 82 到 228 方圆之间
位置 7: 平均方圆: 144, 有 60% 的机率介于 116 到 173 方圆之间
位置 8: 平均方圆: 150, 有 60% 的机率介于 123 到 177 方圆之间
位置 9: 平均方圆: 159, 有 60% 的机率介于 129 到 188 方圆之间
位置10: 平均方圆: 101, 有 60% 的机率介于 79 到 122 方圆之间
位置11: 平均方圆: 98, 有 60% 的机率介于 81 到 116 方圆之间
位置12: 平均方圆: 105, 有 60% 的机率介于 85 到 129 方圆之间
位置13: 平均方圆: 110, 有 60% 的机率介于 60 到 160 方圆之间
位置14: 平均方圆: 84, 有 60% 的机率介于 42 到 126 方圆之间
位置15: 平均方圆: 101, 有 60% 的机率介于 54 到 149 方圆之间
殖民星大小要多少才足够呢? 这要看你目前的目标。
中期为发展期,大多会根据资源需求来选择星球大小,以全方位发展的星球会选择 170 方圆以上的会比较足够,但是如果是只发展单一项资源,像是重氢场,则不需要那么大。如果是距离远的独立星球,也建议在 170 方圆以上会比较好。
1. 资源星:资源星可以选择在母星附近。
2. 大后方:大后方则选择在后方银河系,大多都是跨银河。但是也有人专杀大后方。
3. 攻击跳板:舰队攻击跳板则选择目标星球附近,建筑主要是重氢为主,也可能就地建造舰队。
4. 第二母星:母星的位置不好,换个地方。
如果是盟友,发一封信件给他就可以了,一般来说可能是误击。 一般人的话,首先发一封信件,温和的请他退兵。通常是不会退的,不过这对你没损失。 或者告诉他,你在在线,打你没好处,因为你会逃掉。
如果是纯运输舰来,那简单的防御跟舰队都可以成功抵挡对方。 当然,一般而言对方都是计算过后认为能赢才会派舰队来打你。 如果你发现,你在舰队到达这段时间,盖好防御与舰队可以成功击退对方,那可以试试。
首先把你的资源往建筑与研究点下去,这些资源在你取消后会完全回来。 然后把剩下的资源搬运上船,所有的船。 如果你资源太多,那以重氢、晶体、金属,照着贵重程度(生产所需能源)搬上船。 可以的话,剩下的都点去盖防御。 然后把电源关掉,让产量为0。这样他舰队过来只能抢到一点点资源。 记住,除非你很忙,否则尽量在舰队快到达的时候做这些事情。 然后等到攻击过后把舰队叫回来,电源打开。
千万不要有我开着继续生产或是不把搬不上船的资源用掉,至少可以保留一半的想法。 因为对方只要尝到了甜头,就会再来! 你一定要降低对方的获利才行。
追秒,有些人会讲秒追。如果有人追秒你,那你会看到这样的情况: 你派出的舰队在 X 时 X 秒回到星球。 敌方的舰队却在你舰队到达后几秒钟就来打你。 他的目的是你的舰队,所以派出来的部队通常都很强大。 而到达时间则让你来不及处理动作,而没办法FS。
为什么会这样子?因为有种盖在月球上面的东西叫感应密集阵,他可以探知某一范围内的舰队移动情况,包括舰队到达的时间。 然后他算好时间把舰队派出去,刚好在你舰队回来后几秒钟到达你的星球!
另外,有些人没有月球,他可以利用你的科技、舰队组成、跟星球的距离计算舰队回家的时间。 (这通常是发生在你派兵去打某个星球时)
1. 派遣舰队去执行「殖民」任务,然后叫回来。
2. 从月球到「战场废墟」
3. 从月球到月球
1. 月球是什么?我要怎么得到一颗?
月球是一颗在你星球轨道的卫星,你无法殖民出一颗月球,唯一的方法,就是在你星球上产生一场战斗。 大约每100.000单位的残骸,你可以有1%的机会产生一颗月球,而最多只能有20%的机率。而且这是不能累计的。每一次战斗结束所产生的残骸只在那次 战斗后计算下去。月球是自动产生的,你会在战斗结束后的报告中看到结果:
2. 月球空间是怎么运作的?
一颗月球一开始只有 1 方圆。每建造一个月球基地,你可以得到额外的 3 方圆。(不过你能用的只有 2 方圆 ,因为你还要一个空间去建造下一个月球基地。)可以建造的空间的最大值是这样计算: (月球大小/1000)2 (小数点舍去),也就说,月球大小除以1000,然后平方。
月球上可以制造机器人工厂(帮助后面去建造更大建筑),造船厂(这对防御来说很有用,星际导弹是不能 对月球发射的),金属、晶体、重氢储存场(目前这些对月球毫无帮助),月球基地(帮助你提供更多的月 球空间,前面解释过了),还有两个只能建在月球的设施:感应密集阵和空间跳跃门。
一个感应密集阵允许你可以去扫瞄范围内的任何星球(范围是 [(感应密集阵等级)2 - 1 ] 个太阳系)。当你扫瞄一个星球时,会有一个弹出的窗口告诉你所有要去那颗星球的舰队,以及从那颗星球派出的舰队。和我们星球概况页面一样,会显示精确的到 达时间,以及舰队的组成。这个好处在于,一个玩家可以扫瞄你的星球,看到你的派出去工作的舰队,然后他的舰队在你舰队回家后两秒后到达。这表示说,他可以 确定摧毁到你的舰队。这就是为什么在感应密集阵范围内的舰队是十分的致命的。感应密集阵扫瞄一次,需要耗费 5000 重氢。
5. 那我如何逃离感应密集阵的威胁?
目前,唯一感应密集阵所不能看到的任务就是在两个不能扫瞄的物体间移动。他所不能扫瞄的物体就是月球和星际残骸。所以唯一安全的 FleetSave,就是从一个月球到一个星际残骸,或是从一个月球到一个月球。这也是为什么大家总是把他的舰队派在月球上 - 因为在那里很安全,不会被扫瞄到。当别人用感应密集阵扫瞄你时,你是收不到任何讯息的,你不会知道有人是否再扫瞄你。
6. 空间跳跃门是干什么的?
空间跳跃门市一个只能建造在月球上面的昂贵建筑。你至少需要两个空间跳跃门,才可以让他有用。(也代表着,需要两个月球。)然后你可以随你高兴派遣任何数 量的舰队(不过资源例外),在两个空间跳跃门中移动,每六十分钟可以派一次。而且不需要花费资源。空间跳跃门的传送是立即的。你只能派遣自己的舰队通过自 己的两个空间跳跃门。
7. 月球为什么这么令人惊奇呢?
恩,月球可以让你攻击其它人的舰队,即使他做了 FleetSave,而且让别人打不到你的舰队(让你可以做良好的 FleetSave),而且可以储存你的资源 - 因为月球没有资源矿场,所以没有储存上限的问题,你可以在月球堆积你额外的资源,而你在星球的矿场可以高兴地继续生产。
8. 月球可以摧毁吗?
(100 - √月球大小 ) * ( √死星数量 )
( √月球大小 )/2
当月球被摧毁时,所有往月球的舰队将掉头往星球过去。在以前,如果月球被摧毁,你会得到一颗新的相同的星球。这个 bug 已经修正了,所以如果你的月球被摧毁了,你可以再造一个来。
9. 月球大小如何决定的?
月球大小是随机的。然而,如果当时建造月球的机率有到20%,那颗月球至少会有直径 8000 公里的大小,这种大小将另死星难以破坏这个月球。
10. 我可以有一个以上的月球吗?那有用吗?
当然可以,但是不可能在同一颗星球上两个月球,尤其是在不同银河间的月球,是相当棒的 - 你可以都两个建造感应密集阵,让你有两个可以扫瞄的范围,而且建造在它们之间的空间跳跃门 -回收船如果在两个银河系间以100%的速度移动,将花费 10 小时以及 1500 的重氢,而空间跳跃门可以帮助你做这样快速而免费的移动。
11. 月球被制造以后,残骸那边会怎么样?
12. 当我把鼠标移动到星际地图上的月球时,上面的数字代表什么?
20%造月,需要 2,000,000 的废墟,以大运每台 12,000 单位,但是只有 30% 形成废墟,所以只有 12,000*0.3=3,600 单位,2,000,000/3,600=556台大运。
1. 太阳能发电厂(简称太电)
2. 核融合发电厂(简称核电)
3. 太阳能卫星(简称太卫)
如果发展中期遇到能源危机,是可以考虑盖个一或二级的核电厂暂时撑一下,但要衡量一下自身重氢厂的产量,虽然说不至于把生产的重氢都吃光,但产量要稍微兼 顾一下,重氢是非常珍贵产量又少的资源。另外,请记得去原料那里调整核电厂的百分比,如果太电升上去后,核电可以暂时调到0%节省重氢浪费。
一般来说,建议核电厂3级就够了,核电并不适合当做主力发电厂,他的角色是辅助太电、弥补太电之不足。当然也有人咬着牙冲上6级,但不是非常建议如此,发 展到一个程度后,追求高等级建筑并无太大意义,这时应该开始加速殖民,获得更多的空间与产能。等到整体经济骨干打好后,再回过头来逐一提升高等级建筑。
太卫使用的时机与地点均无一定,母星如果能量有些许短缺亦可生产少量太卫去补足,但太卫会在受攻击时被打掉,因此风险颇高。 使用太卫必须先了解太卫的发电公式:最高温/4+20、太卫的成本为:0/2000/500
武器: 80% 防护盾: 80% 外壳: 80%:表示武器8 防护盾8 外壳8,会直接影响后面的数值
战列舰219 导弹舰14,总共射击了 352 次:表示其中有 352-219-14 次的RF
总强度为 633600 的能量:表示在这 352 次攻击中的武器能量
防御盾吸收了 13581 伤害点数:??
1. 首先,先进到〝设置〞那(在左手边)。
2. 再到〝一般设置〞那的「外观路径 (如: C:/ogame/pictures/)」,按一下〝下载〞
3. 去找一下自己喜欢的外观。然后下载下来,放在自己的计算机内。
4. 解压缩后,看要放那里,像我是放在D糟。然后看一下你下载的外观档名是什么。
5. 如檔名是reloaded,那就在「外观路径 (如:C:/ogame/pictures/)」后面的空格,
6. 输入D:/reloaded/formate后,按〝确定〞。
7. 然后,将后面的formate去掉,再按一次〝确定〞。
8. 注:此时「外观路径 (如: C:/ogame/pictures/)」的空格内应该是D:/reloaded/
9. 最后,按一下浏览器的〝重新整理〞就行了。
PS. 默认值是
也可以用另外一种换 Skin 的方式,直接自Internet上连结:
1. 把皮肤路径那栏全部D掉
2. 按下更改
3. 在路径底下就会出现一另一个框
4. 直接在里面选你要的SKIN就好噜
5. 选完后记得按下更改哟
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